Chapter 9

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My face is so hot, and yet I feel cold. My hands are shaking, my heart's beating so quickly, my stomach feels empty and my legs are getting wobbly.

My thoughts are rushing in and out of my head. I don't know what to do. We're only walking together, I mean it's not like it's any different than the other times.

Is it because I told him of one of my major problems, at a park?

Is it because of yesterday's talk show?

I already went over that, though. He wasn't talking about me!

"Ahhh!" I scream, making Hansol jump in his spot.

"What?! What's wrong?!" He asks frantically. He looks so concerned, which makes my face heat up again, from embarrassment.

I cover my face and walk faster. "(Y/N)! What's wrong?!" He also picks up his pace, trying to match mine.

"Ah~ it's nothing. I... I..." I give him an exhausted sigh. "I don't know." He looks concerned but also confused. "I'll tell you something, but it has nothing to do with me, okay? Absolutely nothing, to do with me!" I look at him and he slowly nods his head. I give him a firm look and he says.

"Absolutely nothing to do with you, got it." Oh god, he always does this to me. I haven't heard one thing about him and he always seems to care about how I feel or my problems. I take a deep breath.

"Okay... So my friend-"

"Park Ji Yae?"

"No! No, a different friend! Someone I met after Ji Yae-"


"It doesn't matter! Okay, so my friend, that's not Ji Yae and is not someone you know. Likes a guy. She spends most of her days with him, and they became kind of close, but because of some violation or whatever-"

"What violation?" I give him an annoyed look and he grins.

"But, because of some violation, she can't let her emotions interfere with her work. Anyway, she gets frustrated because she can't tell him, her feelings. She gets annoyed at how oblivious he is for not noticing her feelings. And eventually gets mad and thinks he should be punched in the face, for looking at her like that, when he knows it makes her embarrassed. But then... she realises how stupid she is, because she can just tell him how she feels and get everything out of the way. But, she's afraid he won't accept her feelings and he won't want to have her around anymore... he'll leave her by herself..." I stop walking, realising I'm saying too much.

"(Y/N)." He looks at me, with a sympathetic face. I force out a laugh.

"Aish~ what's wrong with me? I'm getting too carried away with my friend's problem. I'm even getting advice from you!" I let out another forced laugh and place my hands on my hips. "Well? I guess my stops here." Hansol starts walking toward me. "Oh yeah! You should probably head back to the dorm, you don't want Seungcheol to get worried, huh?" He wraps his arms around my waist and places his head on my shoulder. "Hey. What are you doing?!" I try shaking him off, but his grip is too tight.

"You... should tell your friend... it's okay." I tense up. "It's okay, to feel the way she feels. It's okay to be mad, annoyed, afraid. It's okay to want to punch him in the face." I laugh and I could feel his smile. "Tell your friend... he'll wait. He'll wait for her and her only. Madness and all! But also tell her... he won't stop making her fall head over heels for him. And maybe, just maybe, he'll make the first move." I wipe away a tear again.

"W-what?" He looks up.

"Your bus is here."

"Eh?!" I look to my side, the bus just arrives and so, I run, while he laughs.

"Bye, (Y/N)! See you tomorrow!"

"Whatever!" I yell as I get on the bus.

Before it departs, I look toward Hansol, who is already waving. I wave back and the bus leaves.

It leaves the Hansol, that is still waving to me. Soon he is out of my vision, and I sit straight, facing the front window. As I think about his hug, I sigh.

I seriously need to do something about my big mouth, I can't keep expressing myself to him, when it's my problem.

I don't know what to do!

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