Chapter 15

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I'm so nervous, right now. Hansol, said he needed to talk to me, and it's nearly 12:00. I don't know what to do, or what he'll say.

He always seems to make me nervous.

"Okay, so... I wanted to say, your speech, was really, nice and that, us boys, didn't even think to write you one. So, that's why I'm here." He looks at me, with unknown emotion, in his eyes, again.

"I just wanted to say, thank you. Thank you for being a wonderful manager, and making sure that us boys, are in check. Although, this was all dumped on you, you still managed to keep your composure." He looks toward the group of wonderful people and smiles.

"The boys are always saying, how awesome you are. Seungkwan said to me the other day, that you were, literally the fourteenth member." I chuckle, eyes still on him.

"I'm glad, I forgot my wallet, that day... or else, I wouldn't have met you. I wouldn't have seen, the strong woman you are. And we wouldn't of had battle scars, together." Everything he's saying, is so meaningful and precious, I don't understand how he does it.

"Also, your dad's a bit scary, I mean. We only talked on the phone, but he was very intimidating." He chuckles and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Why were you on the phone with him?" I ask, and he smirks.

"How else was I meant to get your mom's number?" I gasp.

"Wait, so you called my dad, to get to my mom, so I could see her, again?" I stare at him, wide eyed. He nods his head and smiles.

I can't believe I'm about to do this.

I jump on him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He hesitates, but finally moves his arms around my waist, burrowing his head in between my neck and shoulder, sending tingles to shoot through my body.

"Thank you, Hansol. You're so amazing. I don't know, what I would do without you." I claim and he tenses, slightly loosening his grip on me.

"Time for the countdown!" Yells Ji Yae.

I go to get up, but Hansol doesn't let me go, he's too strong. "(Y/N), I need to tell you something-"


I nod my head.


"Please, don't do anything rash, once I tell you?" He tells me, I nod my head slowly.


"It was great meeting you-"


"And getting to know you-"


"Becoming friends, meant a lot to me-"
His eyes, shimmer.


"You mean a lot to me-" I freeze, my breathing, rapid.


"And I just want to say-"


"I love you-" He finishes, and the fireworks, are off.

"Happy New Year!" Shouts everyone. But I'm stuck in his gaze, the emotion in his eyes clear.

It was love, it is love.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)? Please, say something. Don't just stare at me." Pleads Hansol, and I snap out of his beautiful eyes. I smile, a loving smile.

"I love you, too." Before he can say anything else, I kiss him. And he... kissed me back. It's deep and passionate.

His lips are sweet and I'm melting into his arms. My hands cup his cheeks and his arms are still wrapped around my waist, pulling me to his chest.

Eventually, we let go, catching our breaths. "I told you not to do anything rash... but we'll let that slide." Says Hansol, and we both start laughing.

"Well, I'm the manager and I can do whatever I want, buddy." I state. He looks at me, love and joy filling his eyes.

"Of course." He agrees, letting one of his his hands fall to his side, leaving one wrapped around me.

All of a sudden, a flash goes off and my eyes, get blinded. "Aww~! This is so cute! Guys they're finally together!" Yells Seungkwan, then everyone's gaze is on us.

My face starts burning. "Y-yah! W-w-what are you doing?!" I scream, raising my fist, ready to chase after him.

But I can sense all the attention on us, so I slowly move back down, holding onto Hansol's shirt and hiding behind him. "We're finally dating, everyone!" Shouts Hansol, putting his arms up, in celebration.

Suprisingly, everyone cheers, I hear a few whistles and I shove Hansol. I can feel his chuckle, vibrate from his back.

More fireworks go off, and all the attention flies away, I sigh in relief. Hansol, turns back to face.

"Are you ready to celebrate the new year with me, you ungrateful idiot?" He asks, grinning widely. Holding his hand out, for me to grab.

"Forever and always, you idiot." I giggle, sliding my hand in his, and walking with him toward, the crazy party.

"I can't wait to spend this year with you." Claims Hansol, and I look at the multicolored fireworks.

"Me too."

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