30: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

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A/N: Sorry it's taken so long to update! I've been so busy between full time work and college... but I'm here! Spring break is coming so I'll be able to write more then. Also, this book only has a few more chapters left! I have another Bucky story-- one that is completely finished and saved as a draft here on Wattpad-- that I think I'm going to publish after this one is over! I hope everyone who enjoys this story goes and checks that out soon :) I'll let you know when it's posted! 

Lots of love, 


Bucky's Turn

I take Sadie out to breakfast the next morning like I promised. We go to a quiet little café about twenty minutes outside of her rural hometown. I watch her ramble on how nervous she is about the wedding above the top of my tea mug. No matter how many times I assure her that the cake is perfect, she won't believe me. So I simply let her rant as she eats—offering me the leftover bacon on her plate after she's full.

Then she drives us home and parks under the big oak tree where her childhood treehouse resides. I take her hand in mine as we walk through the house then to our little getaway in the back. It's when she's standing above the washroom sink, doing her makeup in the mirror, when I feel my phone ringing in my pocket.

Digging out the loud device, I see Steve's name. I glance to the open bathroom door. Sadie's got her hair halfway pulled back while she carefully glides a tube of red gloss over her lips. The "bachelorette party" starts in about an hour.

"I gotta take this, doll." I stand from the bed without looking too hasty about it.

Sadie regards me with those stunning river-water eyes. "Okay. I'm not gonna need a ride for a while now." I've offered to chaperone so that after the night is done she can give me a ring if she's had a bit too much to drink. I'd rather not have to worry about her feeling the need to take the car home.

"Got it. I won't be long." I start to walk out of the room before stopping. Feeling a bit guilty deep down in my gut, I turn to hurry back to her. I kiss the top of her head—not near her makeup, or else I'd be scolded—and squeeze her slender waist. "Love you."

I practically run down the stairs into the garage. Then I'm shuffling back in some dusty-ass corner where I don't think she'd be able to pick up my voice from the guest room upstairs.

"There you are, Buck. How long does it take you to pick up a phone?" Steve questions me tiredly.

"I had to get away from her," I explain in a hushed voice. "Did you find anything?"

"On the dead guy?" It's that damn Sam on the line, too. I must be on speaker. "Nah—not any more than SHIELD got on the first one."

I pinch the bridge of my sore nose. I'd been whacked in the face only the night before. Thankfully, there are no bruises or cuts to have to hide from Sadie.

"Explain what happened again, Bucky. Your text didn't make a lot of sense," Steve prompts me.

I sigh. "Sadie was at the wedding venue all day yesterday in the back kitchen. I left around eight to get some food, and then came back a half hour later. I did a sweep of the property before I left, and right after I got back. I really didn't think anyone would know where to find her. I thought..." I stop myself with tightly closed eyes. "Well, it doesn't matter what I thought, because I was wrong. We heard something. I had her lock herself in the kitchen then I went looking. I found the damn crook hiding out behind a fallen stack of chairs. Took only a minute to take him out. Hardest part was not using my gun and keeping him from firing his. I couldn't risk Sadie hearing. I hid the body in the trunk of our car. I dumped him during the night when she was asleep. SHIELD got back to me and said they'd gathered the remains."

Recipe for Romance: A Bucky Barnes StoryWhere stories live. Discover now