Chapter three

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I wake up to the starch smell of bleach, ugh it Has an overwhelming Smell. I scrunch my eyes at the bright light that was sipping through my closed eyelids. I feel powerless and heavy. I cant move my hand, my head or my body.

I slowly start blinking, desperately trying to open my eyes and see what's around me. Where am i? As blinding light slowly subsides i can take a look around my surroundings. Im at the hospital. What the fuck? Why am i here?

The room is pristine clean and gloomy. Typical hospital bed, IV and monitors beeping. The walls are a sickly green colour and the linens are grayish. The place looks nothing like a room where a patient should be motivated to get better. If anything the murky room is making me nauseous.

I can't remember how i got here. But then it hits me. Shit i have to get to TJ. I pull on the IV line and feel a sharp pain. Seems like unplucking IV is only eyes in the movies..

TJ i miss you. I really do. Please be okay. I clench my fist tightly and rip the IV out of my arm. I grunt my teeth together hard from the stinging pain.

"Yeah yeah pain i hope your getting you're satisfaction today," i mutter to myself.

How long have i been here? Suddenly a tall good looking guy with black slick hair races around the corner.

"Ma'am why did you take you're IV out?" he asked confused.

My heart starts racing so fast. Why is it racing so fast? Pain begins circling my heart and i fall to the ground.

"Ma'am! Help! We need help in here," he shouts.

I can't breathe. I hold my neck gasping for air.

"T-T-T-TJ," i manage to say the words barely popping out of my small curled lips.

Two girl nurses rush in with gear all wearing the same clothes. I need TJ. Tears fill my eyes slowly slipping from them falling down my soft innocent cheeks. Suddenly a tall familiar handsome face pop around the corner in shock. TJ?! He rushes down next to me and holds my hand.

"Don't leave me Celena!" he panics his breath heavy.

I dont pay attention to the nurses. All i want is him. Suddenly air fills my lungs and my heart slows down. I sigh in relief. TJ bends down and picks me up his arms tight around my waist.

"Celena! Don't scare me like that again!" he mumbles in my ear.

I smile tears falling down my face. I place my face into his chest.

"Im so glad you are okay TJ," i cry.

We both look over to see the nurses staring at us and then he puts a hand on my face making me face towards him. He wipes my tears and places his head close to mine.

"Im glad you are okay too baby girl," he says pulling me into a tight hug.

B-baby girl? My faces turns bright red and my stomach explodes with butterflies.

"You have the room to yourself," the nurses say walking out of the room.

TJ smiles and carries me to the hospital bed and helps me sit down. We are so close. Me straddling him in his lap. I could fall asleep in his warm arms, i felt so safe. He lifts my chin up slightly and locks his eyes in mine. I bite my lip. His eyes trail down to my lips and then quickly up to my eyes again. Dont look at his lips celena don't, i beg myself. But i can't help it. My eyes scroll down to his lips making me bite mine again. He's so damn sexy. I place a hand on his chest and look back into his eyes. He leans in closer his lips touching mine. Fuck. There so soft and big. The feeling of his lips against mine sends chills down my spine and butterflies in my stomach. I kiss him back the same pace as he kisses me. My heart is racing so fast now. I don't want this to end. He pulls back slightly but latches his lips back onto mine quickly after taking a breath. I wrap my arms around his neck as he grabs my waist gently getting on top of me. His body against mine feels so warm. I slide my hands down his chest as he kisses my jaw down to my neck. I let out a small whimper as he reaches my collarbone. Shit what am i doing? I cant let this keep happening it has to stop. He's like a brother to me. I lean back up making him get off me.

"I- im sorry," i say embarrassed.

He looks at me confused. Why is he looking at me all confused? He should know this is wrong.

"You thought i was going to go that far..?" he asks a shocked expression crossing his face.

Whoa. He's got the wrong idea.

"No! I mean.. not that.." the words won't slip out of my mouth.

"Im sorry celena i should have taken it slower," he frowns.

"N-no TJ it isn't that its just.. we can't.. we can't do that stuff you are like a brother to me.." i say barely looking at him.

He stares at me speechless for a few seconds and then gets up.

"If you didn't like it then you should have told me to stop or something celena. We don't act like a brother and sister celena. I thought you liked me that way because of the way you stare at me and the way we act around each other." He snaps.

Tears fill my eyes again. I did like it. In fact i loved it.

"TJ i did like it i ju-"

"Do lie," he interrupts and walks away.

I dont stop him.
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