Nokie and Cera at Spencers.
Ciri: Hello, We need all the dildos please.
Cashier: Why do you need them?
Nokie: We're fundraising for...
Both say at same time: Nokie: Blind kids Ciri: Lonely women
Nokie looks at Ciri.
Nokie: Blind kids and Lonely women.
Ciri: Now, can we have all the finest dildos, please?
Cashier: Can I buy one?
Nokie and Cera say at same time: YEA!!!
Nokie and Cera got all the dildos and the Cashier gave them $50.
Ciri: *Whispers to Nokie* Drug money.
Nokie: Yeeeeeeeaaaah :D
Weird Conversations With Ciri And Kris
РазноеDescription written by Kris: I don't know.....trees......McDonalds....... Grananas Keetchen......Cherokee Motel.......Shell Station