Mustard and Ketchup

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*Nokie brings out chips*

*both N And C start eating chips*

Ciri: This would be better if it had ketchup on it.....*puts chip in face hole*

Nokie: *Looks at Ciri with weird disgusted face* Your weird.

*Both look at each other with weird faces*

Nokie: Haha I put mustard on mine
*goes inside gets mustard and ketchup*

Ciri: Why did you bring out mustard?

Nokie: 'Cause I like mustard on my chips... Lol

Ciri: ಥ_ಥ.  Ew...

Nokie: ಥ_ಥ  Ew...

Ciri: You like mustard your chips?

Nokie: Yea ∩_∩

Ciri:'re weird.

Nokie: Yur werd

Ciri: Yur werd

And they keep on doing that for ten more minutes

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