Just One Date?

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Riley’s P.O.V.

          I finally decided to get out of bed right when the clock hit 12:00. I rolled out of bed, still somewhat tired from the dream I had last night. I still couldn’t believe that I had a dream about Harry. I just met the kid. They say that when someone appears in your dreams, it’s because they miss you or they’re thinking about you. Could Harry have been thinking about me? Nah, I doubt it. He barely even knows me. Just then, my phone beeps on my bedside table, alerting me that I had a text. I pick it up and click read. It’s from Harry.

          “Morning Riley! Hope you slept well (: how would you like to meet me at the park in an hour or so? I need to talk to you about something! Xx”

          I sigh to myself; I needed to talk to him too about what I saw on the news. I write back a reply saying I’d meet him there. I make my way to the bathroom, hopping into the shower to get ready to face yet another day. I bounce from foot to foot, trying to adjust to the water temperature. Once I finally get used to it, I bathe and then step out of the shower, being greeting by tons of mist. Not to mention, it feels like Antarctica invaded my house. I shiver and grab a towel, wrapping it around my body before making my way back to my room. I go to my closet and stare at the contents of it. I decide to keep it simple today, pulling out a peach colored sundress. I lay it out on my bed before blow drying and curling my hair and then putting just a little make up on. I slip the dress over my head and grab a pair of sandals out of my closet, the ones where the straps wrap around my ankle. I slip them on over my pedicured toes, grab my bag, and leave my room.

          Downstairs, my mom, dad, and sister are all eating breakfast. I walk in the kitchen and say my hellos.

          “What are you all dressed up for?” my dad asked.

          “I’m meeting a friend at the park.”

          “Harry?” Jacquelyn asks eyes full of hope.

          “Who’s Harry?” my mom asks.

          “Harry Styles, of course,” my sister butts in, “he loves Riley.”

          “He does not!” I protest.

          “Think what you want, but I know the truth.” She smirked.

          I roll my eyes and head toward the door. “I’ll be back later!” I call out.

          “Be safe!” my dad says.

          I shut and lock the door and climb into my car. I love my car. It’s a Mustang but it’s one of those old fashion ones. It’s a blue convertible. I begged my parents for it and they finally got it for me to get me to shut up. I roll the top down and crank the radio up. Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepson is playing. I smile to myself and start to sing along. I love to sing but my only audience is the steering wheel. I never sing in front of anyone except Jacquelyn. That’s it. I won’t even sing in front of my best friend, Alison. I just won’t do it. I have bad stage fright, I guess.

          A few minutes later, I pull into the park. No other car is here yet so I guess he isn’t here yet. I had a few minutes to spare anyways. I took the key out of the ignition and made my way towards the swings. I don’t care how old you are, you’re never too old for swings. I sit down and gently rock myself back and forth, letting the wind caress my face. I used to come here all the time when I was a kid. I didn’t realize how much I missed coming here. I close my eyes and start swinging again but this time with a little more force. The wind brushes my curls back around my shoulders and it flies out behind me. I keep this up for a few more minutes when I hear a low chuckle behind me. I open my eyes and come to a stop and look behind me to see Harry standing there, a lopsided smile plastered on his face.

          “How long have you been standing there?” I asked, slightly embarrassed to know that he’s been watching me.

          “Just a few minutes.”

          “I didn’t even hear you pull up.”

          “Guess I’ve got skills then, yeah?” he winks and comes to sit on the swing next to me.

          “Your modesty is showing.” I say, my words practically dripping with sarcasm.

          “Yeah, yeah,” he says with a roll of his eyes. “Listen Riley, I need to talk to you.”

          “Did you see the news too?” I asked, already expecting this.

          A wave of shock washes over his face. “Yeah, you saw it?”

          I just nodded in response.

          “Look, Riley, I’m really sorry about that. I didn’t think there would already be rumors flying about.” He said, flailing his arms around when he said, ‘flying about’.

          “Well honestly I’m not surprised but I could do without the rumors that I’m dating you.” I said, with just a little hint of disgust in my voice. I know, I know. Most people would think I’m crazy because I’m one of the few people who haven’t fallen for his signature curls or his forest-colored eyes. I don’t know why I haven’t fallen for him like the majority of the world, so don’t ask.

          “What? You don’t want to pretend you’re dating me?” he asked, with a wink.

          “I’m good.” I said, scrunching up my face.

          “Well then, don’t pretend.”

          “What?” I asked, confusion washing over me.

          “Go out with me, Riley.”

          “That’s a little straight forward, don’t you think? We barely know each other, and not to be rude, but you have a rep for being a player and a flirt and I don’t want to get hurt. Besides, I’m a little too young for your liking, aren’t I?”

          He chuckled slightly. “But you’re different then Caroline and them. I don’t know how, but you are. But if you give me a chance, I would love to find out what it is about you that I have fallen for. Besides the obvious, I mean.”

          “The obvious?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

          “Yes, the obvious. You’re beautiful Riley. And no, despite what you may think, looks aren’t all that matters to me. You seem to have a great personality when you want to.” He says with a smirk.

          I just roll my eyes. “Thanks, never heard that one before.” I begin to stand up. He stands up too, taking my hand before I can continue to walk away.

          “Please Riley? Just one date, I know you want to.” He says, wiggling his eyebrows.

          I snatch my hand away. “No, I really don’t.”

          I turn to walk away but he catches up to me again. “Why not?”

          “Why not? Because, you’re a self-centered jerk who doesn’t have a care in the world because you think management will handle all your problems for you.” I snap.

          “I’m not like that! I may be cheeky and all but I’m not self-centered!”

          I just stand there, raising my eyebrows at him with my arms crossed over my chest.

          “Please, just give me a chance to prove it to you that I’m not what you think I am.”


A/N-ooohhh cliffhanger! :D comment and let me know what you think will happen or what you want to happen! and thanks for reading my story so far! it means a lot (: oh, should i have a cast for my story? hmm...descisions...let me know if you have anyone in mind! have a wonderful day! je t'aime! love, me (:

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