Chapter 7

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Sorry it's been so long! you probably had to re read the previous chapter to get this one xx I'm soooo lazy!

I know I'll be one of those old people that just can't be arsed getting up.... just sitting, eating pea soup for the rest of their lives..

I'd love a Jaffa cake right now actually but cba getting up.


Back to the story!


"Maisie! I haven't seen you in forever." I hugged the girl who had previously been screaming at me from across the mall.

"I know! It has to of been at least two years!" she squealed as we pulled apart.

She looked exactly the same. Her long dark hair left flowing in soft curls and her honey skin as flawless as ever. Let the jealousy begin once again!

"Who's your friend?" She looked James up and down grinning slightly.

"Actually I don't really know... we only met today you see." I shifted on my feet awkwardly.

"He's cute." she giggled.

"I am right here and not deaf but.. Thank you!" James beamed, smiling cheekily.

I chatted to Maisie about general stuff before James piped up.

"So I best go find Brad.. if you know you guys want to catch up." James mumbled slipping away.

"No wait!" I grabbed his arm. "we can all look for him together."

"Ok!" James grinned. "Can't wait to see Brads face when he catches me walking down town with my two baes!"

He started to strut and we just laughed shaking our heads as we followed him to the exit of the shopping centre.


I shuffled around uncomfortably on Destiny's overly large sofa.

I had grilled her with lots of questions but she hadn't given me straight answers.

So far i worked out: I was pissed about something and that's why I got drunk, I gambled some money away, went back to hers and fell asleep after eating some pancakes.

That helps me how?

It still hasn't jogged my memory and I'm pretty sure she's probably made up half of it out of spite.

I really need Amy's help right now.

I overreacted about her not mentioning seeing me in the club, we were strangers, you don't say to a random guy:

'Oh yeah by the way I saw you yesterday singing, getting pissed, and kissing a pizza (another one of Destiny's 'true facts' from last night).'

She was off, probably at home, never to see me again. ever.

I got up and walked to the door.

"Umm excuse me where are you going?" A sharp voice made me spin around and I was faced with a wrinkling version of Destiny... only this 'barbie' was oranger than orange.

"I'm leaving, I have all the information I need, now I'll be on my way." I muttered, trying to worm my way past this clone.

She stopped me with her large boobs, sticking them in the path I needed to use to get out.

"Please move." I grinded my teeth but she wouldn't budge.

"Not until you pay my daughter for compensation." she laughed.

"You what now?"

"Not until you pay us for sleeping in our house and damaging property."

"I was invited here by YOUR daughter and I didn't break anything so I don't need to pay anything." I tried to squeeze past this thing..., half woman, half chesticle.

Failing again.

"Maybe so... but do you really want us selling to the newspaper your story?" she folded her arms over her chest, squeezing her implants so hard, I thought they'd pop.

"Vamps lead singer pulls one night stand then flees heartbroken fan after trashing home..." she said in a newsreader voice before laughing harshly.

"You couldn't... you wouldn't do that." I shook my head.

"Watch us." Destiny sniggered coming up behind her mum.

" up."


Having two super hot girls helping me look for a lost little Brad was the best feeling.

You get all the jealous looks from other guys and the double takes, it's like we are movie stars.

Brad usually got the girls and I knew that as soon as we found him they'd be all over him like a new handbag.

That's why I had to turn on the charm.

It's either that or....

"So Maisie... I bet your last name is Jacobs , because you're a real cracker!"

And that's when I realised.. it can only get better from here.


Thank you everybody!

Btw in this book James is known for his corny/cheesy chat up lines so if you (my dear chummy) have any AWESOMEE!! ones! then let me know!!

I hope you read that word in a shouty/singy tone! xx

Love you all..... sorry for the weird xxx

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2014 ⏰

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