chapter 16

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Shadowpaw followed clawfoot and the others as they reached the river stones. Where they would cross the river and give their thanks to sunclan. Shadowpaw was lacking behind, and found it hard to keep up.
"As my Apprentice i ecspect you to do better" clawfoot growled and ran up front. Shadowpaw took a deep breath and ran up besides him. Clawfoot didnt look over his shoulder, but he nooded.
The river stones were in sight. Shadowpaw began running faster. she saw skyfoot's light brown fur, and larkpelt's silver fur.
"Shadowpaw!" Clawfoot called from behind. Shadowpaw stopped and looked at clawfoot. He and the others had stopped while she ran forward. She flicked her ear in confusion. Clawfoot walked over to her, and flicked his tail to the others.
"You'll wait for your patrol to keep up" clawfoot growled and walked over to the sunclan cats. skyfoot and larkpelt was joined by leopardblaze. The golden she-cat's spotted fur was giving her away, but larkpelt was spinning up against skyfoot. Skyfoot turned his head to Shadowpaw and the others. Leopardblaze took two pawsteps towards them.
"I hope you've all settled down in peace" Leopardblaze mewed. Clawfoot nooded and looked at Shadowpaw. Shadowpaw lowered her ears. Did, i do something wrong?
"Hey Shadowpaw" skyfoot mewed. Larkpelt stopped spinning and glared at skyfoot, with jelousy. Dunno how to spell it
"We have, and dawnclan thanks sunclan for it. Starclan honurs you" clawfoot mewed and dipped his head in respectment. Leopardblaze dipped her heaad and signaled skyfoot and larkpelt to go. Before she left, she shot Shadowpaw a help us glare. Shadowpaw could feel something was very off.

Shadowpaw followed clawfoot and the others back to the camp. The forest was getting ready for leaf-bare, and the prey had gone hiding. But suddenly a rain dropped on Shadowpaw's nose. She shook her head and shaked the drop off.
"Dont be childish" clawfoot mewed strict. Shadowpaw looked at him and nooded.
The camp was only a little further, but she could hear screams, yowls, every kind of pain. Angelheart sniffed the air, then he ran into the tunnel. Shadowpaw ran after him.
The camp was filled with cats. Cats from dawnclan, moonclan and sunclan.
"Fox hearts!" Clawfoot yowled and sprung into the crowd. Shadowpaw tried to spot her mentor, but he got lost. Shadowpaw ran over to the nursery, seeing all the elders protecting the kittens. Shadowpaw ran over to them, and pushed the kittens in. Bluemoon ran over to her. He looked into Shadowpaw's eyes, and blinked.
"Are you alright?" He asked and lifted his gaze. Shadowpaw glared at him.
"Shouldnt you be worried about other things?" She asked and turned away. She spotted shystar, battling deathcloud. Deathcloud looked like he was battling a tiny squiky mouse. Shystar was a little thin she-cat. While deathcloud was a large broad shouldered tom. He slashed his claws at Shystar, and scratched her eye. She ran away from him. Deathcloud amidiantly found a new apoment. Shadowpaw found something heavy landed on her. Her head was forced to the ground, and the cat began scratching her belly. You will have the opputunity to kick them off. Shadowpaw remebered sparrowfeather's words. She took her back legs, and kicked the cat away from her. She kicked the cat three fox lenghts way. The grey cat was a large but skinny tom, and Shadowpaw knew exactly who it was.
"Give up wolffang" she hissed at him. Wolffang got on his paws and raced towards her. He swung her claws at her, but Shadowpaw crawled under, and grabbed on his shoulder an d hang on. He shook her off, and Shadowpaw landed on her paws. Wolffang jumped on her, and dugged his claws down. She remembered what mapleshade had told her. So she spun around as quick as she could, and shook the warrior off. She raced over to him, and jumped on him. Now she had him pinned to the ground.
She raised her claws, and began scratching his belly like he did. Much blood was pailing out. She stopped, she found Energystar and Shystar talking. Energystar had a large scar running on her shoulder. And her back leg's fur was almost ripped off.
"It doesnt have to be this way mother!" Energystar mewed at Shystar.
"I wish i could say no, but moonclan forced us. Snowstar said if we wouldnt work togerther with them, they'd attack us. And you know aswell as i do, that my clan is to small to fight" shystar answered. Shadowpaw's body got pushed away. Two Apprentices from moonclan worked together to defeat her, they had her pinned to the ground. A white fluffy tom with amber eyes, and a light brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes.
"Wait, i know you" the she-cat mewed. She pushed the toms paws away, and let Shadowpaw get up.
"You're Shadowpaw right?" The she-cat asked.
"Is this really the time to greed other cats?" Shadowpaw asked and looked at the she-cat.
"I know leafpaw, she's right. Now let me make her to mouse dust!" The tom mewed and leaped on Shadowpaw.
"Gorepaw!" Leafpaw mewed and looked aftet as the two white cats rolled on each other. Gorepaw was surprisingly heavy, and Shadowpaw couldnt get up. He had her pinned to the ground -again- and sheated his claws. Gorepaw got suddenly pushed away. He was fighting with skyfoot. The young sunclan warrior rolled with the moonclan Apprentice. Skyfoot scratched the Apprentice's eye, and gorepaw layed down on the ground.
"Come on gorepaw. Lets get out of here" leafpaw said and helped him up. They walked over to the entrence, and dissapeard. Shadowpaw glared at skyfoot.
"Why are you fighting moonclan? I thought moonclan and sunclan had united?" Shadowpaw asked. Skyfoot shrugged.
"I dont know" the smoky brown tom mewed.
"Ask Shystar. She told us to fight moonclan" as he spoke. Moonclan cats began to fleed. She saw snowstar's body lay in the clearing. Deathcloud and Energystar was above him. Suddenly his eyes sprung up. He looked at the sunclan and dawnclan cats around.
"Take that as a lesson from deathcloud. You have lost a life snowstar" clawfoot mewed comming out from the crowd. Snowstar stood on his paws and raced out.
"Wolffang!" Larkpelt shouted from besides skyfoot. She raced over to the large grey tom. Laying lifeless on the ground. Did i.... did i do that?
"Wake up!" She cried. Skyfoot walked over to her and licked her ear.
"Who dis this!?" she shouted and looked at the dawnclan cats.
Shadowpaw tried not to find her gaze. But larkpelt walked over to her.
"You... did you do this?!" Larkpelt asked and glared at Shadowpaw with open eyes. Shadowpaw couldnt get herself to say he deserved it, but she couldnt say anything else.
"It wasnt on purpose!" Shadowpaw shouted and looked at larkpelt. The pretty silver she-cat ran out of the tunnel, with skyfoot behind her. Deathcloud mowed over to her. Shadowpaw saw he was about to speak, but she cut him off.
"It was an axident!" She shouted before he said anything.
"I know" he mewed and layed his tail on her shoulder.
Clawfoot walked over to Energystar. He had gotten more scars than Shadowpaw has ever seen.
"I think it would be best if you went home" he mewed to shystar, besides Energystar.
"I understand, and We're truely sorry, for what we have caused" she mewed. She signaled her cats, and went out of the camp.

Three sunrises have passed, and its time for the gathering. For once, Shadowpaw was actually nervous. What if she saw gorepaw again. What if she saw larkpelt again?! The meeting was not far, she could see the stones, and the many cats down there. She spotted nightpaw from spiritclan. Shadowpaw followed clawfoot down the hill, and into the clearing. Energystar raced past them and over to the leaders. Only moonclan was missing. She felt a sudden gaze on her, and turned her head around. Seeing skyfoot infront of her nose. She jumped in surprise. Larkpelt was besides him as always, but behind him.
"She doesnt wanna be around you, since you killed wolffang" he mewed and looked at larkpelt with lovely eyes.
"Why is she so upsessed with wolffang's death?" Shadowpaw whispered. Skyfoot looked like Shadowpaw looked like a joke.
"He was her father" he whispered. Shadowpaw felt the guilt run through her like hunger. Killing off some's dad, and dont feel guilt after wards?
"Im really sorry larkpelt, i really am" Shadowpaw stepped forward. Larkpelt quickly looked at her, but looked away again.
"Fine. I quess i can take your forgiveness" larkpelt mewes and ran besides skyfoot. Larkpelt pressed her head against skyfoot's shoulder
"So, are you two mates or something?" Shadowpaw teased. Larkpelt stopped pressing her head in, and looked at Shadowpaw.
"Wha, no! I mean, i dont know, maybe i mean no. We're just really good friends and uh..." larkpelt explained. Shadowpaw snorted.
"Anyway, i meet your sister the other day skyfoot. Leafpaw was it?" Shadowpaw asked the tall dusty brown tom.
"Please dont tell me she was with that gorepaw guy?" Skyfoot growled. Wow, first time I've seen him mad.
"Maybe" Shadowpaw mewed. Skyfoot began growling.
"I told that fox heart to keep away from her!" He hissed under his breath.
"All of you three. Keep your mouth shut, the meeting is about to start" deathcloud mewed. Skyfoot looked at the black tom, and his green eyes.
"Are you two kin?" Larkpelt asked.
"Maybe. Why?" Shadowpaw asked. The beautiful silver she-cat shrugged.
"I dont know, i just found you two look a like. You looked just like him" larkpelt explained.
"Shut it! Its my first meeting and i dont wanna miss it!" Firefeather hissed at them.
"Since... what? A full grown warriors first meeting? Whats going on in your clan?" Skyfoot asked and looked at Shadowpaw. Shadowpaw shrugged, she found this normal.
"Greetings all clans. I, Energystar of dawnclan wishes to speak first" Energystar mewed from besides shystar.
"I would want to ask you, why have moonclan forced sunclan to ally with them?" Energystar mewed and looked at snowstar. Snowstar lifted his chin.
"This is knolledge that only moonclan knows" snowstaar snorted.
"How ever. I'd like to know why you have taken in four outsiders?" Snowstar mewed and looked down at the dawnclan cats. Shadowpaw could see his gaze were fixed on Deathcloud and firefeather. Only them had come today.
"Actually that is what i also wanted to speak about" Energystar mewed and stepped forward.
"Dawnclan have taken in four outsiders to live with us. Today, i only bring two of them. I'll intruduce Deathcloud and firefeather" Energystar mewed and pointed her gaze at Deathcloud and firefeather. All the other cat's gazes also glared at them.
"Sunclan also have something to share. We bring two new warriors, larkpelt and skyfoot" Shystar announced. All cats began cheering.
"and Leopardblaze have given birth to a healthy kit, named meadowkit" Shystar announced asweel. Suddenly sneezestar stepped forward.
"Leafclan also bring two Apprentices. Spotpaw and brackenpaw" sneezestar annaunced. His gaze were fixed on two cats. A handsome tortoise tom, and a dark brown tabby she-cat. She found Pheonixpaw, sitting besides the tom. Sneezestar then looked at sweetstar.
"Spiritclan only brings two Apprentices. Nightpaw and redpaw" sweetstar spoke. She spotted nightpaw sitting besides their medicine cat birchleap. And the other medicine cats. Petalrose, poisenivy, owlsight, marigoldpaw and seasonpaw. Amethystscar doesnt show up because of her injuries. So he's a medicine cat's Apprentice?
"Has any other clan anything else to share?" Energystar asked. No cat mewed, Shadowpaw could only hear someones heavy breathing.
"No, then this gathering is over" shystar mewed and leaped down.
"Lets head home, dawnclan" Energystar mewed and flicked her tail.

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