Chapter 6

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(Nightwing's p.o.v.)

After I flew off, I went to find Optimus to deliver Zorya's message to him. I soon found Optimus, who was looking for Megatron. Then I flew down and land in front of him before saying, "Optimus! Zorya needs us to meet her at the tall white building with statues on top! C'mon!" I fly back in the air as Optimus transforms to vehicle mode and follows me. When we reached where we are supposed to meet Zorya at, I landed on the ground while transforming to bot mode as Optimus did the same and we stood up. We then saw Sam on top of the building in trouble and spotted Zorya running across on a building next to the building that Sam is on yelling, "Hang on, Sam!".

(Zorya's p.o.v.)

I climb up the building then carefully placed my feet against the building while my servos grabbed hold of the other building across from it. I then heard Megatron say to Sam, "Is it fear or courage that compels you, fleshling?" I could see Sam hanging onto a statue as he stood carefully at the edge of the building and he said, "Where do I go?" Megatron then said, "Give me the Allspark and you may live to be my pet. And you will get to see Zorya after she becomes my Queen." Argh! Will he ever give up of making me become his Queen already?! This is starting to get Irritating! Then I heard Sam said bravely, "I'm never giving you this Allspark! And Zorya will never be your Queen!" "Oh, so unwise.", Megatron replied. Then I heard something hit the statues and saw Sam falling off the building. When he fell closer, I caught him, saving him from falling to his death. I said to him, "I got you, Sam." I then hold him to my chest to protect him as I said, "Hold onto the Cube!" He held the Cube tighter and I put my battle mask before I began to carefully drop down from jumping from building to building. I jumped back to the other building and grabbed hold as I slid down fast. All of a sudden, Megatron fell right into me causing me to let go of the building and start falling towards the ground with a yell. I landed hard on my back onto the ground with Megatron landing after on his back as well. In groaned a bit in pain at the harsh landing and tried to sit up but ended up laying back on the ground when I felt pain from my back. Then I heard Megatron say before flicking a human away, "Disgusting." Nightwing lands beside Sam and she then asked, "Are you guys alright?" I replied, "Yes, we are." Then I turned back to Sam and asked as I retract my battle mask, "Sam?" Nightwing goes to her bot mode and kneels down to his level and says as Optimus runs up to us, "You risked your life to protect the Cube." Sam replied, "No sacrifice, no victory." I nodded to him remembering the Witwicky motto and said, "If we cannot defeat Megatron, you must push the Cube into my chest. I will sacrifice myself to destroy it. Get behind us." I start getting up when Sam got off of me as Nightwing looked angry and bit of hurt before glaring at Megatron. Optimus then said glaring at Megatron, "It's you and us, Megatron." "No, it's just me, Prime.", Megatron replied getting up. Nightwing said, "At the end of this day-" "Three shall stand, and one shall fall.", Optimus finished before we charged at Megatron together. Megatron knocks Nightwing and I to the side then hits Optimus making him to fly back and hit a building and fall to the ground. Megatron then said to him as he picked him up and threw him onto the ground, "You and Nightwing still fight for the weak! That is why you lose!" Nightwing gets up and says while glaring at Megatron, " proves we are strong!" Then she ran straight towards him as she draws her sword and swings it towards him but only to have him block it with his own blade that sticks out of his arm. Optimus and I then charge to join back in the fight. I charged at Megatron first as I took out my sword and slashed Megatron on the shoulder causing him to yell out in pain. He glares darkly at me and manages to punch me in the face then slice me in across my chest causing me to cry out in pain before he punched me again harder this time making me fall to the ground. As Optimus fought Megatron, I crawl a bit to try to get to Sam when I spotted him as the fight starts coming our way and the other humans came over as they started firing at Megatron. Some of the jets above started shooting missiles at Megatron as well. As I layed on my back, I spotted Sam sit right next to me while trying to hide from Megatron. Megatron spotted Sam and tried to run over to him to grab the Allspark but, I stopped him by pulling out my leg to his, making him trip and fall to the ground. He begins to try crawling over to Sam and I crawled over to try to protect Sam but ended up going back to laying my back on the ground wincing from the pain on my chest. I heard Megatron say, "I'll kill you! Mine! Allspark!" I then spot Sam again and turned onto my stomach as I said, "Sam! Put the Cube in my chest! NOW!" Sam didn't listen to me as he stared at Megatron getting an idea of something. "Zorya, no!", Nightwing yelled out. Then Optimus added, "I won't let you sacrifice yourself!" I ignored them as I concentrated on Sam to have him shove the Cube into my chest to end this war. I then yelled as Sam went up to Megatron, "Sam!" Then Sam shoves the Cube into Megatron's chest as I yelled, "No, Sam!" We all watched in shock and surprise as the Cube's energy went into Megatron's spark. Sam then stepped away when the Cube disappeared into Megatron's chest and Megatron stumbles back a bit. He then starts yelling out in pain and makes some kind of choking noises before falling onto his back immediately becomes offline. Optimus walks over to me and helps me stand to my feet. Nightwing comes over as Optimus said as we looked at the now dead Megatron, "You left me no choice brother." Nightwing and I then kneel down to Sam before I said to him with a smile, "Sam, I owe you my life." "We are in your debt.", Nightwing added. We then stand fully up again as we saw Mikaela drive over with Bee on the tow truck. She then gets out and walks over before she smiles at Sam, making him smile back. We turn to the soldiers and Nightwing says, "We have gained new comrades." "Thank you, all of you. You honor us with your bravery.", Optimus added smiling at our new human allies. Then, Bumblebee spoke without his radio, "Permission to speak sir, ma'ams?" Nightwing replies with a smile, "Permission granted, old friend." Sam added, "You speak now?" Bee replied, "I wish to stay with the boy." I then said looking at Sam with a smile, "If that is his choice." Sam looks over to Mikaela, who smiled at him for him to say yes. He then nodded a little and said looking towards Bumblebee, "Yes." Bee smiles at him as he felt happy that Sam lets him stay with him. Optimus then kneeled down by Megatron and grabs a shard from Megatron's chest that was all it's left of the Allspark. He looks at it before he closed his fist over the shard. I placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a comforting smile. Nightwing then gives Optimus a hug to comfort him and he hugs back. I looked up towards the sky, wondering what we will do now. Then I saw Nightwing walk over to Bee and kissed him on the cheek making him blush a bright blue.

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