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(3rd p.o.v.)

Ironhide pulled up on a driveway to Lennox's home to where Lennox's wife is standing on the porch with their new baby girl. Lennox walks up to them before picking up his new daughter with a smile and lifts her in the air while talking to her.

"With the Allspark gone, we cannot return life to our planet. And Fate has yielded it's reward.": Optimus

The Autobots are parked at a hill where Bee faked a broke down at except for Optimus and Zorya who are standing on the hill. Sam and Mikaela sit on a blanket as they are making out while Nightwing lays right next to Bee's vehicle mode in her dragon mode. Zorya watches the sunset as she stands next to Optimus. She then rests her head on his shoulder and he wraps an arm around her.

"A new world to call home.": Optimus

Nightwing turns her head to see Optimus and Zorya, seeing them close to each other making her smile at them before she turns her head to look at the sunset as well.

"I am Optimus Prime." :Optimus

"I am Zorya.": Zorya

"And I am Nightwing Prime.": Nightwing

"And we send this message to any Autobots seeking refuge among the stars. We are here. We are waiting.": Optimus

Optimus and Zorya then hold servos before they stared to turn away from the sunset and walked away.

(Zorya's p.o.v.)
(I bet you readers weren't expecting this did ya?)

I then heard Nightwing say to Bee after he transformed to bot mode, "Bee, there's something I need to tell you." Bee used the radio to say, "...What?..." She was quiet before she said, "I...I love you, Bee." "...I-love you-too Night-Wing...", Bee replied. I then teased them, "Nightwing, Bee, use protection. I don't want any grandsparklings so soon!" She looked at me with a embarrassed look as she yelled, "MOTHER!!" I saw Nightwing running towards me and I said quietly before I begin to run, "Uh oh, here she comes!" The Autobots plus Sam and Mikaela began laughing as Nightwing chased after me in a circle, much like how I used to when Nightwing was a sparkling and embarrassed her. "Get back here!", Nightwing yelled trying to get me. I smiled over to her while I asked as I kept running, "What are you going to do?" "Nothing!", she replied. I didn't believe her and I asked, "Then why are you chasing me?" She replied, "Stop and you'll find out!" "I promise I won't tease you so much!", I said to her. But she just said, "Not unless I get you back for it!" She then pounced and tackled me to the ground making me make a "oomph!" kind of noise. We then wrestle a little bit on the ground playfully making some of the Autobots laugh a bit harder. I pinned her down on her back and said to her with a smile, "I only tease you because I love you." She smiled back and said, "I know, Mother."

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