Friend or foe?

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Welp yeah I knew this was gonna happen honestly because manny told me they wouldn't trust me right away. I however didn't expect to be knocked out by sandy but I won't hold it against him. I'm in a dark room with black cages everywhere and a large dark globe in the center I'm not nervous tho because I know where I am.
"Come out Pitch I know you brought me here I am not afraid of you"!
All you could hear was laughter at first then he appeared next to me with an amused face.
"Things didn't go so well I see. The big five or should I say six now didn't trust you too well did they"?
I just glared at him.
"Obviously not but I knew they wouldn't because they have more questions then I'm willing to answer right now".
He laughed and appeared next to me and I reached for my ax but it wasn't there, should have known this was a dream.
"You don't think I would actually bring you here do you? I mean let's face it you here would be the end of me or you because your their only hope at surviving what comes next".
I tapped my foot pretending to be annoyed.
"Yeah and that would be"?
His face darkened and I stepped back a bit, you see he can get into my head because of certain things that I won't tell you till later and I can't hurt him but he can hurt me. He backed me into a corner.
" I'm taking my revenge and no one can stop me this time not even you. I've seen your fate and it's not pretty but for now you'll have to deal with the suffering you feel from all the souls I take and spread fear to. You don't know it yet but you can't stop me I've grown too strong even for manny to handle. Oh what's that surprise I see or fear, you better be careful with what your afraid of because it might just come true. But don't worry about me no worry about your predicament right now, your dreaming now but you'll wish you were when you wake".
I just looked really confused before he turned to me and said good bye cousin we'll meet again and snapped his fingers.
I woke up with a jolt and was breathing heavy I looked around me to find I was in a bird cage of some type. I could stand in it but that was it, there was nothing else inside but me I reached for my ax but all my weapons were gone. Those little jerks! Ok so I'm furious now and banged on the bars looking out I could see little fairies flying about. None stopped to look or even glanced in my direction, talk about rude. That's when I saw a portal of some type open up and the grand big six jumped out. Bunny looked a bit freaked out and sick while jack looked amused and North looked determined the tooth fairy flew over to me and saw I was awake.
"She's awake guys"!
Bunny looked more serious now in fact they all did.
"Well it's about time".
North looked at me and brushed some snow off his shoulders,
"Ready to explain yourself"?
I just huffed and turned to walk to the other side of the cage it wasn't far like a step or two.
"Why am I here? Why did you bring me here"?
Jack flew in front of me and sat on top of his stick.
"I think the one who should be answering questions here is you".
North cut him off and started towards the cage before stopping infront of it.
"There are too many unanswered questions about you that makes you untrustworthy. We protect the children of the world..".
"Yeah yeah I know what it is you do the big five always protect the children and you". I turned to michal and pointed at him. "You are a protector of more then just children we both are and you know it. You spent too many years with these five instead of doing your job this, what you are doing now is not what your job is".
Mini rant over and now I'm screwed I guess. Now I have to tell them how I know what I know and about pitch without looking like the bad guy.
Michal was pissed and took a step toward me" how do you know these things and who are you"?
I sighed and slumped down on the floor looking utterly lost.
" I can't tell you".
Bunny started tapping his rang in his hand "can't or won't"?
I rolled my eyes " A bit of both actually I was sworn to secrecy by a dear friend of ours and..".
That's when I felt it and the globe flickered and a light went out.
My nose started bleeding and I quickly wiped it away.
Tooth flew to the globe panicked and looked at North.
"What's happening"?
I panicked and banged on the bars.
"You have to let me out or he'll kill them all"!
"Who"?! Michal glared at me through the bars.
"Pitch. He's coming for them and I'm the only one who can help you stop them he wants his revenge and won't stop at anything till he gets it".
"Pitch? He's gone his own nightmares caught up with him".
I shook my head and just looked at him like he was stupid.
"North guardian of wonder, Tooth guardian of memories, Bunny guardian of hope, sandy guardian of dreams and jack guardian of fun. Sound familiar yet ? Michal guardian of light. Not the arch enemy of Pitch tho you give yourself way too much credit. Pitch spirit of nightmares". I looked them all over one by one "The man in the moon told me these things and much more but some I can't tell you because it's not for everyone to know. I am Raven black keeper of dark I protect all of the people of the world from Pitches evil not just the children. He creates beings out of black magic and sand and sends them to harm specific beings and I am the only one fast enough to kill them. I remember everything from my past and how I came to be here". I looked at Michal " I even had a brother once, but now none of that matters".
It was quiet for a while and they went to go talk amongst themselves in another part of tooths castle. I heard him laughing before I saw him and it angered me to the core.
"Come out Pitch or..".
"Or what you'll shoot me with one of your arrows? Please your just as helpless as the rest of them locked away like that, did you honestly think your speech would make them believe you? Oh it was touching the whole guardian thing and was that your brother I saw? No of course not just a empty shell that looks like him".
"What do you want Pitch"? I growled at him. He walked around my prison and smiled evilly.
"I know you felt it. The look on your face says it all it must be such a burden to know what comes next. Being the guardian of darkness you know my every move. It's a shame you won't join me tho really we could be great be like a real family".
"I will never help you pitch and you know it".
"Oh I believe you will".
With a snap of his fingers he was inside the cage with me and slammed me against the bars holding my arms against the wall.
Just then the guardians came back in and Pitch was gone in an instant without them noticing.
"We have decided to trust you. If what you say is true and Pitch is really out there and Manny speaks to you then we have no reason to keep you in there".
Just then the door opened and I stepped out.
"I need to get to Chicago but I need my weapons first".
Jack handed them to me and as I put them on North stated something that made me freeze.
"We're coming with you".

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