Request for ReadingInDark

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Today was the day you were going to prank your boyfriend cyrus with his brothers help. You were going to pretend to get kidnapped lucas has suggested to go out for food accept you, everybody said yes and you had told cyrus that you were gonna stay in because you didn't feel to good, but you were lying to cyrus you felt a little bad but you thought it would be fun to prank him. Cyrus kissed you and said "we won't be long I promise  " he smiled and left. You decided to call your brothers he was going to kidnap you he was all up for it you pretended that it was a break in so you called cyrus.

"Hey kirstin are you ok" he says kinda worried.

"Cyrus I think there is someone trying to break in" you say back pretending to be scared and fake crying.

"Omg kirstin go hide please don't come out till I am there" Cyrus told you and hung up the phone. You quickly hid in the apartment when you knew he wouldn't find you. Five minutes had past and you heard cyrus shouting.

"KIRSTIN WHERE ARE YOU" Cyrus shouted as he was freaking out trying to find you.

"GUYS SHE'S NOT HERE SHE'S BEEN KIDNAPPED WE NEED TO CALL THE POLICE" Cyrus was actually crying you didn't know what to do he was going to the police.

"Cyrus you don't need to call the police put the phone down " you heard lucas say to cyrus.

"What do you mean I need to call the police kirstin has been kidnapped" Cyrus says. You decided to come out from where you were hiding you felt so bad.

"Cyrus babe am here it was a prank" you say walking behind him. You look at him and he looks at you he starts to cry.

" kirstin I thought you had gone don't ever do that again to me do you here me" Cyrus says and he cuddles you.

" Am so sorry cyrus I really am I love you" you say as you kiss him and put your head on his chest.

" it's ok babe am so glad your ok" he says as he hugs you tight than before.

Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes

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