request for Dogsforlife1234567

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It had been a long day, you had just finished work and all you wanted to do was to have a nice hot bath. You got in your car and drove straight home. When you got home you seen cyrus sitting on the sofa. You walked up to him to give him a cuddle as you were going to sit next to him he moved his phone away from you. You thought it was a bit weird at first but you didn't think much more of it. You decided to go in the shower and put your pjs on after you had got ready you went to see cyrus. He was still on his phone you did have that slight feeling he was cheating on you.

" Hey cy" you say smiling walking towards him. He looks at you and turns back to his phone. You were a little hurt that he did that. You tried to look what he was doing and all you seen was him texting, you didn't know who he was texting you hoped that he wasn't cheating on you. You decided to ask him that's all you could do.

"Cyrus can I talk to you please" you say as you were so nervous. He looks up at you waiting for you to speak. " yeah what is it" he says.

" are you cheating on me" you blurted out. His face looked up at yours and his eyes widened he came close to you and kissed you.

" babe I would never cheat on why you think that" he says while holding your hands. You look at him with sad eyes and say. " you been texting someone and ignoring me so I thought you were cheating am sorry" you say as you started to cry.

" baby I was planning your birthday suprise I was texting your sister because she was helping I love you so much I would never cheat on you" he says as he pulls you in for a cuddle.

" Am sorry cy I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions" you say looking at him in the eyes. Cyrus smiled and just kissed you on the lips. That night you both watched movies all night and fell asleep in each others arms.

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