me, soph and mads go into the separate changing rooms from the boys and begin getting undressed.
"what the fuck was all that about?" maddie asks me.
"why are you ignoring jack...he looks so upset" sophia questions.
"well...nothing's going to happen with us so...why bother?" i say.
"hmm" they mumble.
"what now"
"it's guys would've been a great couple" maddie sighs.
"that's what i thought" i say looking down.
"hey" sophia says touching my shoulder "let's forget about jack" she says smiling.
"yeah let's find you someone else" maddie says. i smile weakly at them both.
it's sweet of them to try.-
we walk out and meet the boys by one of the pools. i can't help but look at jack. he looks so hot omg. i glance away quickly which frustrates him. hah.
"meet back here for lunch at 1?" chosen says to the group. we all nod in unison and run off to the slides. me, maddie, wyatt and finn go on a massive water slide. we are thought it was fun apart from finn who screamed the whole way down.-
after a while we meet back for lunch. jack doesn't turn up for another 10 minutes until he rocks up with a group of other people. about 4 girls and 2 boys. he's talking to one of the girls and she's giggling and flirting. i look at maddie. she just rolls her eyes.
"hey...guys this is ellie, saf, lauren, emma, toby and carl" he says.
"cool...can we go eat now" finn whines.
"yeah" i say, my arms crossed, glaring at jack.
"i'm sitting next to jack" a girl with dark hair says.
"oh m i wanted to sit next to jack!" i say sarcastically. sophia and maddie snort and try to stop themselves from pissing everywhere. jack looks at me. the girl gives me a weird look. "joking...i don't want to...he's all yours" i say, walking off.
"hm...your loss jack" jeremy laughs.
at the table jack keeps looking at me then quickly looking back at the girl, who's called ellie. her friends are so annoying, all of them are loud and just frustrating to be around. we decide to leave early but jack stays with them. we all roll our eyes and tut.
"you suck jack" sophia mutters as she walks past him, just loud enough for him to hear.
he does, he really does.
but i still like him.
ahhh it's almost christmas, what are you guys getting?
also no hate towards ellie, as long as they are both happy, i'm happy :))
~ g xox