Chapter 10

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it's almost showtime, and I'm sitting in Kyle's car, waiting for the drive to school. As we make our way through the twists and turns of the city, we finally arrive at the school parking lot. Tons of cars are parked up front, and banners around the school are raised. I notice one with messy paint writings, that is not ever successfully trying to grab your attention to root for the bully. Pph I think the bully is long forgotten now, since I've got Ty on my team. I grin at a poster rooting for me. Thanks Ty! I think to myself, and then I walk into the school. As I walk in there is an explosion of noise. People do the pointy fingers chik- chik thingy. I, of course, do it back to hide my heartbeat suppressed deep into my stomach. As I walk into the gym, the bleachers are overcrowded, and the gym is lit up by a large score board. I grin as people beckon beckon for me to take the court. My colleagues are rocking Go Pike! shirts, and just looking at all of my fans gets me pumped. Oh it's on! As I take the court I notice Mrs. Tootisky leaning against the stands, wearing a ref shirt. Uh oh, no playing dirty today. The game starts with a quick tip off and we are off.

The bully gains the ball, and immediately pushes towards the basket, I manage to block him but he makes the shot anyway. I grimace. As he gets in my face, I shrug him off.

"Taunting is for the weak, haven't you heard, actions speak louder than words," I snarl.

He steps away, knowing the words have affected him in some way, I push towards the basket, I catch him off guard and step back, behind the three line. I let it fly. Swish! I make the 3 with my fingers. The bully tries to look unaffected but that's not working. His ball handling is sloppy and he looks worn out. After many possessions the game is tied 8-8. He has the ball and takes a quick shot, nope I block the shoot, with the block the crowd roars. I have got to make this. I step up, and get hit across the leg as I take the shoot, it's sailing, and......... ITS GOOD! The crowd rushes the court and I notice Kyle and Ty alike looking at me with great gratitude. I can't help but smile, but their is still one last thing I must do. I get down and meet the Victoria in the center of the crowd. She beams at me as we start dancing. She whispers as we dance, slowly, " I knew you could win, matter of fact, I rooted for you the whole time" I smile, and can't help but grin (like a fool). This was pretty much the best day of my whole life. Even better than the day I heard Mrs. Tootisky' s name. I turn to face Kyle, who is dancing next to me. We grin at each other. The bully can't contain us, because we won't ever let him. I stare into the night, and see a shooting star flash at me. Lighting up the night sky

The End!

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