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fatal beauty standards

“The last thing I want to ask you is if you're dark, does that mean your heart is dark too?”

He looked down. She answered her own question, “In your book, the male protagonist rejects a girl because she is stout and dark. The hero builds a body to impress a girl. At the end, he marries a fair petite girl. Is this a message you want to pass on to people?”

He was at loss of words. She sighed. “Your body language is telling me that you have understood about your mistakes. Homo sapiens are weird animals. They are perfectly okay to treat their physical wounds but not mental wounds.”

“What do you mean?”

“The beauty standards created by society is a brutal one. Everybody is expected to appear in a certain way. These notions have such severe impact on the mind that it can be fatal.

Homo sapiens have another unique quality too. We want to delve into a world that is free of our life problems. So we choose different modes of entertainment like books, movies or television. The latter have successfully added fuel to the beauty notion fire. Though there has been a change which will take its own sweet time, what are you doing writing these kind of stories? Killing others self-confidence?”

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