1 ~ World meeting

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"Oi, sorella! Get up!" Yelled Lovino

I forgot world meeting today!! I'm so excited!!!

"I'm up I'm up!" You said in defense to your brother
"Sorella are you-a ready for the word Meeting today! ~Ve" said Feli in his normally bubbly tone.
"Yeah, just-a let me get dressed." You said getting out of bed and rubbing the sleep off your eyes. Your feet touched the cold wood floor and you shuttered. "Ugh I'm-a so tired fratello." You stated standing up and stretching your body. "I-a know just get dressed we have to leave soon!" Said Feli. "Just-a make sure it is appropriate!" Stated Lovino sharply.
"Ok I-a got it now get out is I can change!" You sassed.

After you got dressed you walked into the living room to see Lovino and Feli watching the football game.

"Oi Idiota lets-a go." Said Lovino when he saw you enter the room.

"Si, Im-a coming fratello." You said grabbing you jacket and jogging out the door to get in the car.

Time skip brought to you by Prussia the male stripper

After and hour and a half of driving(the meeting is in Italy this time) you arrive at a huge building.
You get out of the limo and start to run inside leaving your brothers behind. "Sorella come back here!" Feliciano shouts try to catch up to you with Lovino trailing shortly behind him.
You barged into the room and saw all types of people sitting at a long table talking.
Tho look around the room and see a very tall blond yelling about something.
"Wow" You think "he's pretty cute."

You just now noticed that everybody was staring at you.

"Um Ciao." You said with a bit of nervousness in your voice
"Sorella don't run off like-a that!" Lovi yells bursting into the room.

"Yo dude is that your sister?" The blond cutie asks

"Si!" Says Feli.
"We agreed to bring her along today so nobody touch her talk to her or make eye contact got it bastardos!" Lovi demanded
Your face flushed in embarrassment.

"Come on Y/N lets-a go sit down." Said Feli grabbing your hand and pulling you to a seat.

Just your luck Feli sat on one side of you and Lovi sat on the other, surprisingly everybody listen to Lovino. Nobody touched, talked or looked at you the whole first half of the meeting.
Until about half way through the meeting you feel a kick in your leg you look down at your leg and then up at the person across from you. Which just so happened to be the blond boy from earlier.
Lovi and Feli weren't paying attention to you so you thought it would be ok to talk with him.

He passed you a note

Hey what's your name? I'm Alfred a.k.a America!

You took out a pen and scribbled a messy response on the paper.

Ciao, I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you Alfred. P.s sorry about my brothers they can be crazy at times.

You passed the paper back to him.
He opened it and smiled at you writing down a response and passing it back

Wow,Y/N, thats a beautiful name! And about your brothers it's cool I have annoying brothers too.

You open the note and blushed "he thinks my name is beautiful, shit stop it Y/N he probably doesn't like you like that." You thought
You flip the paper over and start writing and note back

Thanks about my name, I like your name too

You passed it over and saw him smile.

Suddenly you heard a loud German accent yell "THAT IS THE END OF THE MEETING!"

Everybody started to get up including you and your brothers.
"Come on Y/N lets-a go home!" Feli smiled
We stared walking out of the room and back outside when you say
"Hey fratello's I have to go-a use the bathroom."

"Ok be quick." Lovi says walking to the car with Feli.
You walked back inside and saw a certain American leaning against the wall next to the bathrooms talking to a man with bushy eyebrows

You started walking into town bathroom and some one grabbed your arm. You turned around and saw Alfred with a smile on this face he put a note in your hand and walked away with the other man.

You stuck the note in your pocket and decided to read it later. Once you got out of the bathroom you ran to the limo to see Lovi and Feli waiting for you.

Once you got in and buckled up you took the note out of your jacket pocket and opened it.

Call me~ xxx-xxx-xxxx

"So how was your first world meeting Sorella?" Asked Feli

You glanced at the note and said




Hey guyyyyzzz did you like me first chapter? Of you did you should vote and comment telling me so! See ya guys later love you💕


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