4 part two

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Katie POV
Travis just sat sat down rubbing his chest. Oh no I put my hand on his chest and one on hit back to support him " hey you get me some ambrosia" I yell and a random kid and the chuck me some "thanks" ya is says and I feed it to him. A bit of colour returns to his face one I didn't know wasn't there. I have an urge to comfort and hug him but I'm not his girlfriend so I can't. " Travis?" I'm an idiot dont ask " why have you been so glum lately" I regret asking that. " um because the person I love hates me or I think does" he reply's grimly. I know I'd push it too far to ask who it was so I don't "oh ok" I look down I change the subject. " so have you noticed Connor and Miranda" I try, " oh yeah if breaks another heart I swear to gods- oh shist" he clamps his hand over his mouth. " what do you mean another heart arnt you the one who did that?" I ask, he gets up nervously " um forget what i said and I'm gotta go pull a prank or something bye.... CONNOR" he screams and walks off. So it was true it wasn't Travis it was Connor, another reason to love Travis, he looks out for his siblings :) ugh I wish I could get over him.

Travis POV
"CONNOR" I scream, how's he gonna react to this. " what is it Trav?" He asks walking towards me " um I kinda spilled that all those ppl who got broken hearts was you and not me" I rush be he catches every word. " I I um it's ok Trav don't beat yourself up, someone was gonna find out anyway" he says but doesn't look me in the eye. I really messed up, one Miranda will probably break up with him and two we will be hooked in a lot of drama. I know I said we because one of us is in trouble we both are it's a brother thing. I actually surprised we arnt twins - argh ADHD off track by a mile.

I walk off not wanting to be another disappointment, and I wasn't watching where I was going I bump into some one. " oh sorry here" I pick up there stuff I don't even look at them " um bye" I keep looking down but they grab my hand " Travis what's wrong?" I know that voice, it's Katie Kat my eyes widen " oh Katie Kat hi sorry I just um nothing?" It came out more of a question though. " it's ok if you don't want to tell me just don't go holding everything in, and what you said before my lips are sealed" she reassures me. I grin and hug her " thank Kate's-" I realise what I'm doing " cough* um well I better go-" I start and she grabs my hand " Travis why are you all of the sudden different" she asks, I don't know what she means " I mean I've only ever saw your humor pranking side, why all of the sudden change" I look at her. She nods in understanding, I don't want to talk about this. Then I realise hour close we are we are holding hands. I lean down to close the gap between us, I kiss her she stops I'm about to pulls away when she deepens the kiss. We stay there for a while and we break away and she whispers " I don't hate you Travis, I love you" then we here a camera. I look up "CONNOR" we say in union "what it's adorable, and finally I mean you guys are oblivious me and Miranda didn't even have to leash phase 1" he cackled and we kissed again hearing cheers and " finally" s.

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