Scars: Forever Wounded - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I walked through the dark empty town, looking for some place to sleep. I settled for a small alley that was somewhat enclosed from the cold weather. While leaning up against the hard brick wall knowing I was not going to get much sleep, I went through my escape plan.

I would have to leave town first thing in the morning because as soon as Ray realizes I am gone, he will come find me. My guess is that I will have to walk all day tomorrow and the next day to feel far enough away from Ray.

I did consider going to the police or an adoption center for help, but I decided I would be better off on my own. I do not trust anything that has to do with the word adoption.

The next morning, I was wide awake at sunrise. Last night was terrible. With the couple of hours I got sleep came haunting dreams about Ray and Becka. My dreams were about them finding me and having to go back with them. Ray punished me for running away. I was being held down by Becka as Ray got the gun and...Bang.

Suddenly I snapped out of my previous dream, chills running up my spine. Standing up was difficult because of my sore body but somehow I got up. My back felt like it needed to be popped and my arms felt broken.

Even though my body ached, I felt free for the first time since I was seven. And as I walked down the street, I stole a small smile.

My stomach was growling, but I tried to ignore it. I was not sure where I would find my next meal but that was not my concern right now. My biggest concern was getting away from Ray.

When I finally reached the next town, I stopped at a park bench to rest my tired feet. Just as I was about to get up and keep going, I spotted him. My heart stopped and my eyes went wide. I snapped out of my trance quickly and started panicking. My shaking body managed to duck behind a nearby trashcan. My eyes fell to my hands, and it was obvious they were shaking. I felt like I could still be seen so I tried to adjust myself. My knees swung around so they could be hidden, but they hit the trashcan and it toppled over with a loud noise. Ray's eyes met mine.

He broke into a run towards me and I started dashing down the street. "May get back here!" he commanded.

I said nothing and kept running for my life. When I got to the end of the street there was a car blocking my way, so I quickly turned the corner and ducked into an abandoned building. My lungs were on fire and I went down into a sitting position behind a large table. The door opened and my face burned with fear.

"I know you're in here, you can't hide from me forever." his voice echoed out. "Come out now and things will be a lot easier."

I dared not to move an inch as I held my breath. His eyes were scanning the room, and they soon fell upon me.

He came towards me and grabbed me by the arms. I screamed so loud that I could not make out what he told me, and I am sort of glad.

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