Scars: Forever Wounded - Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

He took me back to his house with Becka. After ending up with many bruises, cuts, and other injuries (including two black eyes), Ray gave me a "talk".

"If you ever, ever try to leave here again, I will not spare your life like I did this time." and with that he stormed out of the room. I desperately wanted to get out of here but I was not going to try again. The risk was too high.

That night I fell into a restless sleep, part of the reason because Becka was watching me the entire time. She had fallen asleep on the couch. Just because she was Becka, she moved the couch right in front of the door.

Is it going to be like this forever? Will they ever let me go? My thoughts wandered for hours and I eventually closed my eyes.

* * * * * * * * * *

Someone was knocking on the door. But it was more like pounding. There was also yelling coming from more than one man. I could not figure out what they were saying, but it did not sound friendly.

"Becka....Becka? Are you awake?" I whispered through the darkness. I sat up from the floor and saw that she was still sleeping.

After shaking her awake, I told her about the knocking. I could see the alarm in her eyes, even though she tried to hide it.

"I don't hear knocking...go to sleep." she mumbled. The knocking continued, even louder than before.

"Listen...there it is again." it kept going.

Before she could make up an excuse there was a loud bang and even more yelling that sounded closer than before.

"Did they knock down the door...?" I could hear the fear in my own voice.

"Get in the closet." she demanded.

"Wait what?"

"Do what I ask you! And don't ask any questions just do it. Get in and do not come out no matter what happens unless I tell you that you can come out. Or there will be consequences."

The threat frightened me, and I obediently stepped into the pitch black closet. "Umm...okay? long do I have to stay in here?"

"Don't ask questions! Stay here!" and with that she shut the door and left. I heard her move the couch and opening the door.

"Is there a problem officers?" Ray asked innocently.

Excitement fluttered through me. They found me! But...if I leave this closet I will literally be dead.

Cracking the door open just enough so I could see out, I saw four policemen with their backs to me.

One of the police officers spoke. "Earlier today we had a report from the next town over about a man abusing a young girl and we were given your description."

I could see Ray's face go white as he tried to keep his composure. "We have been home all day, just me and my wife Becka. And we dearly wish we had a child but unfortunately we don't." he said with fake concern and sadness.

Shifting my weight to my other foot, my hand on the door knob made the door creak slightly open.

The policemen turned around and peered into the bedroom. "Why is the furniture almost blocking the door?" one asked.

"Oh, we were arranging things today and we never finished." Becka was a good liar.

The policeman that questioned Becka thought for a moment. "Wait here." and as he came into my room I saw two other policemen handcuff Ray and Becka. He slowly came to the closet and opened the door.

"I found her!" he yelled. And I as I peered up to the tall officer, I had no words. So I just smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2014 ⏰

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