-The sickening realization-

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Y/N's pov:

the last three days have been difficult because the next morning after we arrived.... Dave.... he decided to leave alone in the night, Dan said he tried to stop him and Dave even bit him when he tried holding him back, he had a mark but luckily the skin wasn't broken.

the couple were nice to let us stay.... don't get me wrong we don't get on quite well with Dave and but I wouldn't wish for him to brave this land alone, trust me I would know since I've been alone since the start.

my eyes didn't get worse but it was completely immobile, staring straight forwards..... well that would be true if I could see through it that is..... maybe the others were right that it won't get worst then this for me.

I've been like.... mostly stuck to Lauren like an overly clingy girlfriend would be....... WHICH I FUCKING AM!!!!! you don't understand how happy I am, you sure can't virus, you're just a lodger that need an eviction notice from my body, I fucking hate you! I can't believe I once called you me, we are two completely different beings and that will never change!

"you're like a stick of glue" Lauren said, Madison and Ally had fangirled about the news while Red and Kai simply brushed it aside.

"I know"

"you're lucky I love your crazy ass" I chuckled at that, I didn't get how she could actually feel something for my weirdass but I won't question it, plus I have nothing complain about.

I brushed out my H/C hair out of my eyes as I stared in the mirror, it had grown a lot, I simply used my axe to cut it to half its length (if you have short hair just shorten it to because hair grows)

I sighed and left the bathroom, I decided to go get myself a fruit or something from the bunker garden Denis had, she and her husband are outside to clear out the place of zombies so I went down there myself.... yeah.... I regretted it.

blood........ everywhere........ like a slaughter house.

I heard coughing and ran over, silent in shock.

".......... D-Dave" I muttered, both his legs and left arms were chopped off and blood was pooling out of him.

I screamed in surprise.

"oh my god Dave"

"y-you listen here" he grabbed my collar with his remaining arm, he was covered in bruises and cuts "these people are not who you think they are"

"Y/N are you alri--oh god Dave!" Red's voice was heard with multiple footsteps.

"y-you need to leave now; t-these people are cannibals"


"you virus infected idiot! they eat human meat"

my world seamed to stop for me.... that means.... that means I've been eating human flesh? Madison threw up on the wall while everyone had a different horrified reaction as they realised we've eaten pieces of Dave and someone else before he vanished.

"you idiot" he pulled me close, mouth next to my ear "you beat me to her heart and I won't be around for a lot longer so you will be the one that needs to keep her safe"

"don't say that stupid" I said.

"Y/N please"

"..... I'll keep Lauren safe, I'll die before her"

"thanks you" he let me go with a smile and fell over.

"Dave? idiot stop playing, Dave! DAVE!!!" Red tried to shake him.

I felt nothing but utter hatred, I was seeing red.

I stood up and walked towards the stairs.

"Y/N" Ally tried to grab me but I shoved her against the wall harshly and stomped up the stairs and went to the living room, picking up one of my guns and axe before walking outside.

"nice to see you are up" I looked at Denis and Dan who were returning, covered in dead's blood.

I stomped over and shot Dan in the leg.

"you brat!" I kicked him to the ground by kicking his knee and made it bent the other way it's supposed to by breaking it and grabbed the end of Denis's gun which was now pointed at me and swung my axe, cleanly taking off her forearm before I slashed at her neck to silence her annoying screams of pain, beheading her.

I walked over to Dan who was still not dead.

"you monster, I would throw you to the dead but death doesn't enjoy dancing with rotten humans, I'm messed up but this is fucking monstrous!" I stomped on his rib cage a few times, ignoring his screams as I felt pops of his ribs with each hit.

I brought my up above my head before I dropped it behind me, hitting him with my fists instead.

"how dare you do such things to human beings?!"

Lauren's pov:

Y/N had officially completely lost it I think, punching a dead body.

"Y/N it's enough!" I yanked her off the man's body, I think she had broken his skull in anger, I held her arms against her body and buried my face in her neck as she twitched and tried to get out of my hold while Red shot to bodies in the head to be sure they didn't come back even if they most likely wouldn't from the damage Y/N has done.

"it's alright, their dead, it's okay" I muttered, rubbing her arms a bit, her eyes only filled with an insane look, pupil like a dote that was spazing round, a huge smile on her face, larger than ever.

"ssh, it's done, it's alright, nothing is left to be done here, they are dead" I grabbed her shot hand while I still held her with the other tightly.... yes, Denis got a shot of when she grabbed the gun but she didn't notice, I gently held her tightly closed fist and rubbed the top of her hand gently, not wanting to hurt her more.

"it's okay, deep breaths, I'm here and they are dead" I kissed her cheek, slowly walking backwards and in the house, her eyes still fixated on what remained of the horrible couple.... if only we had known.... we would have never gone in this house.... never would we have trusted them.... this would have happened....... how meany of the survivors had they already killed before...... Dave....

"it's alright" I sat down on the couch, pulling a still stiff Y/N with me, making her sit on my lap as I rocked us back and forth to try to calm her down.









































if only we knew this was the start or the end for both of us.

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