-The silence before the storm-

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Y/N's pov:

another one.... another one of us if gone...... Madison is gone...... I hope death takes good care of her....

we were quieter since her death even if it's been three days.... while you virus, you've been acting up huh? always keeping this hunger awake inside me.... always hungry even if I ate.... and now it only got worst.

you are now everywhere under my skin, green strings under my skin, surrounding veins.... stiffening my movements, you are slowly taking over and you know I lost this battle....

you are getting at me from the inside, making me spaze out randomly, hunger always getting worst, manipulating my mind.... making me forget who I am.... what I am..... making me see what's not there.... changing my perception of reality.

just like today.... when you made me unable to understand language, like if suddenly the others weren't talking in English anymore.

we had stopped at a rundown hotel and went to bed for the night, Kai, Red and Ally taking the same room while I had one with Lauren.

we cuddled but I had an emotionless expression, I got out of her arms when I was sure she was deep asleep.... stiffer then before.... I knew my time was close.... really close.... when I would no long be me.... but you.... I would be a monster you turned every human in too...... I admit it was a good game, I clap my hands at you.

I looked at Lauren with a sigh.... she was the one that gave me strength to fight you.... to hold on to the hope that I wouldn't become what you want me to.... you've doomed me since you opened this book called my life.... you took everything from me.... and still Lauren could bring me joy in the last moments of my life....... my life where I'm me not you.... I envy you.... you feel some emotions like us humans, not moral dictates your actions.... that's why you will always win....

I looked at the ceiling as tears spilled down my face with silent sobs.

yes, I knew I was going to die and I felt it.... I feel it's close.... I will soon not be me anymore.... I'm sorry Lauren.... I'm sorry.... I can't keep my promise to you.... nor can I keep the one my sister wanted me too.... I'm sorry.

I tripped a bit as I walked to the bathroom, my ankle refusing to bend.... seams you act faster now that you almost have me in your grasp huh?

I held on the sink as I felt my legs out of my control, shaking and twitching, damn you.... damn you and all the dead you created...... damn the monster you made me become.... I hate you.... I hate you.

I was sweating big drops and panting, it wasn't all painless and you know it don't you? you want me to suffer before you change me in a monster....

my eyes through which I could still see had green veins slowly closing in from the outside this time, going towards the pupil.

I fell to my knees, holding my head, wanting to scream in pain, like something was trying to get out of it.

I coughed uncontrollably as my vision blurred and dimmed, the world was spinning.

I threw up on the ground, it was all blood, nothing else, I shook with tears in my eyes, so this is it? this is how I'll go out? damn you....

I threw up blood again, collapsing face first in it, hands twitching wildly but now control over any part of my body, head feeling like it's going to explode.

"I-I'm...... sorry Lauren.... I love you" I muttered to myself as I threw up blood yet again and chocked on it a bit, slowly becoming the monster I knew I was going to be.

Lauren's pov:

I wake up to the sound of coughing and wheezing, like someone couldn't breathe.

I look down and Y/N wasn't in my arms anymore, my blood instantly went cold in realisation.

I stood up and walked to the bathroom, fearing what was going on inside.

"Y/N?" I asked softly, in shock from all the blood.

her head robotically turned to me, eye empty of any emotions and humanity.

she reached out, like wanting me to help her............. I didn't think then.... I kneed next to her and pulled her up, just to have her push me down on my back and grab my neck tightly in her hand beforehand reaching out to me.

"Y-Y/N s-stop" I checked out but she didn't seem to hear me.... oh shit

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