I hate: Ouma x Real People

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~Before I start today's rant, let me just say
DONT WITCH HUNT ANY USERS STATED BELOW. Don't witch hunt mentioned rp's, accounts, books, etc.~

I feel like shit today so I may as well rant
Because I'm bored
And I'm slowly going insane from this

You all know by now that I spend a lot of time not on this account, but else where
Everything's smooth n stuff,
But there's this one thing I've seen in the dark corners

A ship

It's not just any ship
It's a ship where a real live person ships themselves with, drum roll please

A dead danganronpa character

Now look, I have 0 problem with this, but this user has gone
Way too far

Now I'm not going to exploit this used and say who they are
But I'm going to rant about them

This user, ships themselves with one of my favorite DR characters!!! Ouma Kokichi.
I'm not biased towards him, he's a great character!!! People are allowed to like a character, but this user has got to the point where they have quite literally

She draws ART of her and him, and I'm 99% sure it's traced, which makes me even more annoyed
Artists, don't want some children tracing their art and get it RUINED by ships that are with a REAL person and a FAKE person

Another thing. This girl has a book where she goes over pairings with Ouma! Now, there's nothing wrong with this
Doesn't write as Ouma properly
At all

She's got to a point where he's either a kinky pervert to her, overly flirt to her, or just being really edgy

That's not Ouma. Ouma is a complex danganronpa character with a difficult mind to read. You can't just
Write as him without going through his full character and understanding that

The way she writes him makes him almost dislikable, and it makes others who haven't heard of him just downright think he's cringey and awful.

Ouma is not a bad character by any means!!! He's being abused by people like Komaeda was, and it's just wrong. Again, both of them are VERY complex characters, but at totally different extremes.
Talking about Ouma, rather than Komaeda seeing as this is a pairing with Ouma, he's canonly bisexual. I'm not saying that, BECAUse HEs bI YoU CaNT SHip hIm wiTh YooOoOOuuuUuU!!1!11!
I'm saying that he has an interest in OTHER characters

Ouma is picky when he chooses his interest in love, and this user is flat. Ouma would declare them boring, and wouldn't have much interest in them. They are seemingly depressed and have their uhm.... edgy moments. But they are nice!!! Now don't get me wrong,There is nothing wrong with venting, but they do it ALL wrong.
They have Ouma there. For no fucking reason. Here's an example!

User: Gosh people are just so annoying!!!
Ouma: shush babe, it's ok

Seriously? seriously.
1- Ouma would NEVER say its ok. Even if he likes you, he'd probably provoke you about your issue because he can be a dick. Even when he expressed interest in Saihara, he was STILL a total dick to him
2- Ouma doesn't call people 'hot' nicknames. The most you'd get out of him is a -Chan, or an offensive nickname!!!
3- Quite actually, Ouma probably wouldn't bat an eyelash at you ranting if you were boring and flat, I hate to say it.

Some of you may be calling, HYPOCRITE, because I write Ouma quite strangely in NDY, but I have my reasoning. Ouma vowed, in DICE, to never kill.

Yet he has to eat ORGANS to live. He accidentally turned CHIAKI AND TENKO. His FRIENDS!!! He's scared, terrified and in a panic 90% of the time, although he would never admit it to anyone or himself. It doesn't matter who you are, if you were in his place you'd act the same.

Another topic I'd like to discuss


Now, my friend and I were goofing around in an Rp as Ouma and Saihara!! We already got them together, she had said something in chat while I was being Leon, and it was along the lines of childhood crush. So I grabbed Saihara and brought him in. My friend was like, lol thx you know me so well.

Now, why the fuck do you care??? Well...

User was their later. The next day in the rp, on the bus to a carnival. {It's a group rp mind you}

So, Ouma and Saihara were going to get off the bus, and User {the admin allowed her to rp as herself since 'OC's' were allowed} was crying. Both of us were confused irl, and another user who's her close friend{remember this user for later} said

lol she's probably upset because Ouma is with Saihara

And the user said no, but it was obvious she was jealous and trying to steal Ouma's attention.

Like are you fucking serious m8? You already have claimed you're his wife{ILL EXPLAIN THIS SHORTLY}, you've already said you're apart of DICE{nothing wrong with this on first glance but it's how she got in that annoys me}, and more!!! If you're annoyed two people are dating in an rp, just leave!! Let them flirt, date, whatever!! Stop getting jealous!!! It's just gross honestly!!!

Again, call me a HYPOCRITE all you want.

Jealousy is normal. My point with this is, it's unhealthy jealousy. Sans fan girl jealousy. Just stop.

I forgot to mention, the friend of this user said,
LOL YOU THREE SHOULD DO SMUT {User, Ouma, and Saihara}
All because Ouma said
"I'll punish you later Saihara~"

What the fuck? The user wasn't even involved, number one, she showed up AFTER Ouma said that
Because my friend is nice, they said after the punishment thing, that the user could help punish Saihara!!!

That's when the smut thing was brought up and let me tell you, I know my friend. They probably meant something dorky by punishment{as Ouma said part one is to go on the scariest ride with him}. They hate smut. They feel uncomfortable with smut, and I do too.

So for friends user to say, LOL SMUT, I immediately told her I will NOT do smut with a real person and fictional character, no less a person I barely know. Hell I wouldn't do smut publicly, I'm to fucking awkward for that!!

Like damn...

Now friends user has said this pairing, Ouma and the previously stated user, is

*gags* canon

That's not how canon things work. I hate to burst your bubble hunny, but Ouma Kokichi is dead. He's not coming back to life to hunt you down, let you be apart of DICE and marry you

You're getting to Sans fan girl level

That's very low

But, the other thing is, I've talked to her about this before after she asked her opinions one the ship!!! She seemed cool with me having my opinion, and she seemed nice overall!!
My point with that is don't attack her if you know who this is, or figure it out.
Don't tag them here. That's just wrong.

My overall point is, it's time to stop shipping you, yourself, with fictional characters to the point where you want to marry them. It's just
Gross honestly
It's unhealthy.

Believe me, a few years down the road, you'll realize how cringey you were and have a lot of regrets, especially since this girl uses her full name. This can and possibly will backfire on her!! And that's going to suck. So this is almost like, warning too.

If you're going to ship yourself with a character, do it in private. Don't go around saying how great your pairing is, because, this is me being honest, it really, truly isn't. It's creepy and fucked up.

Sorry, I've needed to rant about this for a while. Again, Do NOT go witch hunting for this user or their friend, they are both nice and don't deserve it even if this is creepy as fuck. {Friends User ships herself with Souda and I'm just
Not going to get into everything wrong with that}

>^< bye.8

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