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Two drowning people can't save each other.

All they can do is drag each other down. 

Romeo and I start'd sinking as 

Soon as we consummated our first kiss. 

Drowning. What does it mean? The word drowned 

Comes from the old Norse word drukkna, which means

To be drown'd. Drowning: death caused by being 

Underwater and not being able to Breathe. 

That's how it feels to lose the person 

You love, it's like drowning, feeling helpless,

Being whole and empty at the same time 

While struggling to breathe. I am sinking, 

Not only sinking but, drowning in my 

Selfish emptiness, fighting endlessly

For something as simple as a breath. 

What Do I do? Do I continue fighting

The raging battle inside me and try 

To stay afloat? Or do I just give up?

End it all? To me, Romeo was more 

Than just a person. He was a place I 

Finally felt at home. My Romeo,

Destroy'd by poison, but not generous 

To let me stay within his caving walls, 

Confiscating my sweet relief. But the 

Downside to the taste of pure happiness 

Is that, like a drug, a glimmer of hope, 

It leaves you craving more. They say death is 

Not the greatest loss in life. The greatest 

Loss is what dies inside us while we live. 

However, they don't say how it feels with 

A concoction of both. Romeo is 

Dead, home is gone. What is the appeal of 

Living with no home? The gleaming dagger 

Sheathed to Romeo fills me with a 

Conflicting mixture of trepidation 

And justification. Something I must 

Acknowledge even if, like acid on 

Metal, it little by little, corrodes 

Inside of me. I will come home to you 

Husband, my home, my Romeo. Drowning.  

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