Chapter Twenty-Two: Fever

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   "Wake up, Alie."
   Geacob, no, it hurt too much.
   For the sake of the Gods, Alie or Aliena, or whoever you are, you expect me to just be alright with this? He looked so angry as he looked down at me. His eyes went red and I turned away, afraid.
   "Alie." I said. "My name is Alie."
   "Aliena, darling," said a sweet voice, "don't forget who you are?"
   "Mum?" I searched the hazy darkness around me desperately. Mum, where are you? I can't see you.
"I'm right here." She said, taking my hand. She kissed it and put it against her face. "Remember who you are, darling, you are the daughter of the ancient kings of old, you cannot be so careless."
   "I'm sorry, mum." I cried. "I'm sorry."
   "I have to go now."
   "No." I said. "No, please---"
   She suddenly caught fire and my arm caught fire with it. I screamed and tried to pull away but the burn kept burning, all the way up to my shoulder.
   "Shh, Alie. Shh."
   "Geac?" He was leaning over my arm, his hands on it as the burning continued. "Don't," I told him, trying to pull away but I couldn't move, "You'll burn too."
   "A fiesty one ye is." Arnick was there now, pinning me down. Oh Mother, no. You're dead! "No." I struggled, trying to pull away. "No, please. Don't touch me, please..." But it face went blurry and I felt blood on my hands, lots of blood. It was all over. I tried to wipe it off but it wouldn't go away and then I realized the blood was on fire too and I was burning...
   No... no, no... please...
   "Calm down, it's just a dream."
   "Shh, it's me. It's Geacob. Ritch is here, too."
   I searched the darkness. "I can't see you."
   "Shh, I'm here." Papa's face came into view of the blur. He wore his nightclothes and had a candle in his hands. "You only had a bad dream, Aliena. You're safe now."
   "I'm so scared, Papa. It is too dark. I am afraid of the dark."
   He chuckled and sat at the edge of the bed. Sweet daughter, the dark is most welcoming. In the dark, you do not have to see what is right in front of you. It is the light that people truly fear.
"But the dark is so frightening."
   The Mother herself gifted us the inability to see in the darkness so that we may hide there with lies and games of pretend. But you are daughter of the kings of old, you're above what others hide in, you need to see the light.
His words were oddly comforting but the candle he held tipped and fell onto my shoulder and suddenly, I was burning again and he was burning, too. He turned to ash before my and I screamed his name. "Papa!"
   Now now, little sister, if father came every time you called, he'd be sitting upon your shoulders. Aaren grinned at me and I smiled back. "Drink this now, and get some sleep."
   Aaren --- no, no it's was Uncle Jack. He put a cup to my lips but I shook my head. "No. You'll kill me."
   He snorted. "If I kill you, Geac will kill me, silly girl. Besides, you're a Ranger. I'm not allowed to kill you, remember? First law." He put the cup to my lips again and I took a mouthful but it tasted terrible and I could drink no more. 
   "Good girl." He said. "You'll be alright now. Just sleep."
   "I'm afraid to sleep."
   "That's a good thing." He told me. "For as long as you're afraid to fall asleep, you'll keep fighting to wake up from it." He put a cloth on my face and it was cool and wonderful and the fire started to recede. "That's a good girl. You sleep now, then you be sure to wake up. My boy needs you."
   "Geac hates me. Hates me like you do."
   "No one hates you, Aliena. I don't think anyone could hate you if they tried."
   "I'm a liar. I stayed in the darkness. Papa says I'm supposed to stay in the light."
   "Aarys was a good man, but you're just like your mother and Lil loved plays and mystery and puzzles and adventure. Go to sleep now and dream of them both."
   "But they're burning." I cried as darkness swallowed me. "I'm burning."
   I was in the tunnel and I was burning but there was no fire. I wandered the passages alone and thirsty and hot, trying to find my way out. I was lost. I needed to find my way out. I needed to live.
   There was the sound of water but I couldn't find it. If I could just reach the water, I'd be cool and I'd leave the tunnels. I'd know my way.
   "This way."
   "This way."
   I followed her voice. "Mama?"
   "This way."
   I found the first chamber and it was hotter than ever, but I could hear the water. A dragon stood there, not the female, but Roiloighon himself. But his eyes were a bright silver and encased in glass. "This way." He said with The Mother's voice and pointed to the tunnel. "Quickly now."
   I ran inside, into the darkness and saw the river. I slipped in and let the icy cold water take me away.

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