:Heart Breaker:

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It's been about a month since you settled into camp cambell. You were mostly known as the shy kid and frankly you were okay with it. You were a wiz at arts and crafts and your skills came in handy. Though you mostly use them to help out Preston with backgrounds and setups for his plays. Even though you did your best to help out the other campers you stuck with Jade. You two ended up becoming close.
Proving Daniel's words to be right.


Since the consulars didn't plan anything for today, they decided to let the teens have a free day. Everyone was pretty happy about it. A day without david forcing them to do anything was great in their minds.

Dolf was currently outside of his tent enjoying the summer weather. He was sitting down,softly humming to himself as he doodled.

'Chale! Your telling me you have a crush on someone!' Jade gasped. Dolf's ears perked up at the comment. He behind his tent to find the Mexican girl talking to (y/n) a couple feet away. 'J-Jade quiet down! I don't want anyone to hear!' You whispered.

'Calma te. No ones around. Now hurry up and tell me who it is! My inner chesmosa is coming out. ' She knuged you.

'I-I don't think I'm comfortable telling you yet...' you admit.
'Bueno.....at least tell me describe them to me'. You felt a blush creep onto your face as you poorly explained to her. 'Black hair....really nice colored eyes ......a-and um short....?'.

Dolf gasped quietly. He had no idea you had feelings for him! I mean he knew he was the cutest one in the camp, but he thought of you as a sister! 'Oh no! I need to let her down gently!' He thought.

'Aye (y/n),your turning really red. Do you need agua?' Jade asked, concern in her voice. You nodded and made your way to the mess hall. Jade shook her head as she followed the flustered teen.

' W-what do I do!?' He yelped. 'I don't want to break her heart!!!!'.

'Break who's heart?!'

Dolf closed his eyes and screamed at the sudden pop up. It was Nikki hanging from a nearby tree. 'I-its about (y/n)! I-I think they have a crush on me!!!' He panicked.
Nikkis eyes widen. Losing her grip on the tree she fell down. 'No way' she gasped.

'Hey what's going on over hear?' Space kid cut in. 'Oh dolf says (y/n) has a crush on him' Nikki explained. 'No way!' Space kid gasped. 'I-I do not like her tho' Dolf sighed. 'My only true love....is art!'.

'How do I let a girl down?' Dolf asked his fellow campers. Nikki shrugged. 'I don't know. I've never done it. Maybe ask preston?'

'Good idea nikki!'

'So, that is why I WANT to let (y/n) down' Dolf explained.

Preston starred at the kid in confusion. Then excitement filled his eyes. 'Write her a letter! But read it to her! Oh how cliche,but perfect! ' he squealed. 'Come! I'll help you out!'. He dragged the small German to his tent.

A few hours later Preston and dolf finished the letter. The only thing left to do was for you to hear it . He headed to the mess hall. Dolf nervously held the letter in his hands as he approached you and Jade. 'Excuse me (y/n) ,but I wanted to read you something ' he told. You gave jade a confused look and gave him a small okay.

' What the fuck is happening over there ' Max asked. '(Y/n) has a crush on dolf and dolf wants to let her down' Nikki explained. 'W-what?!' Max yelled. 'That's what I thought!' she laughed.

'You are an amazing person' Dolf read aloud. 'I have always been able to envision a future with you, and I know we could have been happy together if circumstances were different. When we talk about a long-term relationship and maybe marrying someday and raising children, we inevitably begin discussing our spiritual beliefs, and it's obvious we're just too different.

I would never ask you to resign your beliefs, just as I know you would never ask me to give up mine. For this reason, we can't realistically have a future together.

It's better we end it now. I will always remember you as a wonderful person, and I'll always have a special place for you in my heart'.

Preston felt a tear run down his cheek. 'I wrote a master piece' he told himself. Everyone turned to you. Your face was extremely red. You opened you mouth to speak but nothing came out. After a few minutes to you managed to say 'D-Did you get that off the in internet!'.

'I over heard you and Jade talk and I just wanted to let you know, I do not return those feelings for you' Dolf confessed.
You could hear the rest of the teen gasp in shock. ' Aye, as much as I find this chistoso, Its not you dolf' Jade snickered.


'WHAT!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME' Preston yelled from afar.

' The real person they like esss' She paused. 'Someone from the woodscouts'.
She told. Crossing her fingers behind her back.

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