:Arrival :

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'Wake up'
A low voice spoke.
You quickly opened your eyes to find the bus driver looking at you.

'We're here.'

Looking out the window, you saw a tall, skinny auburn male waiting by the camp entrance. A wide smile on his face.
' He must be the camp consular' you thought to yourself.
A loud squeaking sound emerges from the bus doors as they open. Cutting your thoughts off.

'Now get out of my bus' He points with his hook. W-wait...

Your eyes widen.
'What the hell! He has a hook for a hand!? A guy that looks straight out of a horror movie has been driving me to a camp miles away from civilization this whole time!?' You don't even hesitate. Grabbing your stuff ,you zoom out of the bus.

'Welcome to camp cambell! My name is david! Your camp consular! You must be (y/n) (l/n)'.
The so called david crouched down to your height and gently patted your head. Giving you a warm smile.

'Um.....I don't know if you guys do background check but I-I think you should really do one on your...bus driver!' You stated. 'W-what if he tried killing me you thought .

'Oh nonsense (y/n)! Haven't you ever heard the phrase 'never judge a book by it's cover!' Our dear quartermaster could never hurt a fly!' He assured you .
'H-How the hell does he know my name' you panic. 'Oh....yea....aplication..'

At that moment he came out the bus, dragging a child by his hook.
'Found another one 'he said as he shook her off . She face first onto the ground. Snoring could be heard from the tan girl.
'Heavy sleeper' quartermaster shrugged as he climbed back onto the bus, driving away.

'O-oh um...' david lightly shook the girl to wake her up. After a few seconds later she rolled over and sat up. She dusted the dirt off her face as david gave her a hand up.
' You must be jade! I'm david, your camp consular! I'm so happy to have you two at our camp!' Your going to be the best of friend! Oh I just know it!' He cheered. Bringing in you both in for a tight hug

'Hey jefe, mind letting me go. I can't breathe' she spoke. Her spanish accent surprised you a bit. You only spoke the basics of Spanish like leche and hola. What's even worse is that this camp has no wifi, so google translate would be useless.

'Oh sorry! I'm just so excited! Let's go in so you both can meet everyone else!' He began to walk twords the camp. Chatting non stop about the 'wonders' of camp cambell. Jade looked at you, giving you a lazy smile before following the camp consular.

' What kind of camp did my parents send me to' you sighed as you followed behind.



Gwen sighed as she put down her book and rolled her chair to face the entrance of her cabin .

' What is it max..?' She asked in annoyance.

'I haven't seen david anywhere and hes usually the first one I see' he told.
'Not that I fucking care that hes gone. It's about time I get some peace and quiet!'

'He's showing the new campers around' She stated as she opened her book.
As if on cue, david stepped inside the cabin.
'And this is your other consular, gwen! ' David pointed at the tan female.
Not looking up from her book, gwen gave a small 'hey' and waved.

You squinted at the book. Trying to make out what it said. 'A romance novel...?' You thought. 'She must be pretty fucking single'. Everyone in the room turned to look at you in shock.
'I-I...S-shes right!' gwen sobbed, ran out the room with her book.

'God damn it! I did it again' you mentally face palmed. You had a horrble habit of thinking outloud. There goes a good first impression.

'Gwen! Wait!' David yelled out to her. '(Y/n) that wasn't very nice' he crosses his arms. ' When gwen gets back I WANT you to apologise to her!'. He quickly ran out to comfort his co-worker.

' You have balls new kid' the black haired teen snickered.
'I-I couldn't have been the only one who thought of it , right?' You told. 'I feel kinda bad though....' you rubbed your arm.

'Dont. They deserve it. I'm max ' he shoved his hands in his hoodie pocket. 'Welcome to hell.'

'I-Im.. (y/n)' you shyly smile.

Max felt his hear skip a beat. He cleared his throat and looked over at Jade.
'Que pedo' she greeted. 'This place sure is full of gringos'

Max stared at her in confusion. 'What the fuck is a gr-een-go?' .

'Its a white person' Jade snickered.

Spanish vocab:
Jefe: Boss
Gringo: White person

*I do not mean any offence using these words!*

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