Chapter 5

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I looked behind me to see the wolves growling at us. They're werewolves, they must have been waiting for us to turn back and try to leave. Rogue growled, warning Nova, after that they attacked knowing their cover was blown. After a while of growls, biting and scratching we won the fight, but Nova was badly hurt. She changed back to a human without even meaning too, which means she's bleeding out. I shifted and dressed quickly, thinking of a human village that was close to here...I couldn't think of any. Cursing, I put her on my back and carried her. She was heavy, but I knew that I had to be quick or my upper body strength, which was very little, would collapse. I remembered a cave that we passed that was on the border of the dragons' territory. I sprinted into the cave and set Nova down. She was barely awake, but I couldn't let her sleep until I bandaged her up and got some herds that could help her heal faster. After bandaging her up, I knew that we had to continue moving or the wolves would smell her blood to where we were. She said, shakily," You're gonna have to leave me, little brother." I shook my head, No at her. There was no way I was leaving her to die, we've been through too much together for it to end like this. I went over to our backpack and went to see if their were any herbs. Finding none, I took the book that had drawings of them and went out. There was a waterfall near here, so I could get some from there. It isn't that far away and I should be able to get back, make it and give it to her before they catch her scent of blood. Then I'll need to run with her on my back to..Where would we go? The dragons made it clear that they didn't want us around, and those werewolves wanted to kill dogs. I focused on the task at hand, and started picking some herbs that helped with healing. But then Grayson tackled me, " Let Go!," I yelled. I used the air to make his wings pull him away, I had no time to deal or explain myself to Grayson. My sister needs my help. I ran, with Grayson behind my trail. I cursed again, he was making so much noise. Those other werwolves would come over here... I turned and he stopped. I said," Grayson, be quiet." The blue dragon looked surprised that I knew his name, probably because Grayson never saw me in human form. He did what I told him to and I ran to the cave. Nova said," Quentin? Is that you?" I said," Here, I'm here.." Nova's eyes closed, and I shook her shoulders,as I said," Nova, no sleep." Nova opened her eyes, yet yawned. I took a couple of fallen twigs and started a fire rather quickly with a knife and a rock. After that I started making the elixir, then I waited for it to turn the right color, telling me it was done. Grayson shifted back into a human and said," Who attacked you two?" I said," Werewolves, passed your border." I looked to the direction that they would probably come from, then lifted Nova's head gently to drink the elixir, that should help her heal her injuries. From what I could tell she had a bunch of deep scratches and possibly a broken leg. I sighed then looked over to Grayson, who said," Follow me.." I looked over to Nova and she said, " I did tell him that we'd be back if we got attacked during our exit..Now lift me up so I can walk..." I winced, they were close...really close. I decided to carry Nova much to her distaste, but I knew that she couldn't walk. She grimaced whenever she took a step. After half a mile, I was completely exhausted. I almost fell face first if I didn't have a tree beside me. Grayson was way ahead of me, and I was following his trail, for I couldn't see him. Grayson seemed to notice it though for he waited for me. Grayson said," I can carry her the rest of the way.." I shook my head and with a fake smile said," It's fine." Grayson said nothing. We then walked in silence until Grayson said," What happened to your eye." I said nothing, yet shrugged at him. We didn't talk the rest of the way. I almost tripped over a couple of things, but luckily Grayson didn't notice that I was a feet behind him. I saw the giant tree that reminded me that I needed to put that on the map sketch. When we finally arrived, I saw black. I heard yelling..distant yelling before I passed out. I didn't know what happened when I passed out. I felt like I was being carried somewhere. I didn't know where, but it had to be somewhere, right? When I opened my eyes, I was in a well lite room in a soft bed, I looked over next to me to see Nova. I looked over to see that Ryoto was yelling at Grayson," If you knew he was getting exhausted then why did you let him continue to carry her?" Grayson said," I thought he could handle it. You can't blame me for not knowing Ryoto, he had a very convincing fake smile. I knew he was tired, but I didn't think.." Ryoto interrupted him and said, " Exactly! You didn't think during the whole entire time you didn't consider that a wolf may not be able to go that distance in a couple of hours without rest." Grayson said," Can we talk about this somewhere else before we wake them up?" Ryoto said," One of them is already awake," he turned to me and continued with a smile," Isn't that right, Quentin?"

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