Chapter 20

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It hurt so much...My father growled and growled, as everyone stood in shock. They were probably thinking, 'Who could do such a thing to their own child?' I asked myself that every day, I was in that pack, the best thing was running away... Now it got me to this point..Where was I going to head now? Would my arm bleed out..? My father's growls seemed so far away now. I felt tired, but my eyes would not close. Was I even screaming anymore? My throat felt dry. Ryoto? Yes, I could make him out, in my vision.. My father's wolfish form was ripped away from my sight. I was thankful.. Ryoto's voice sounded so distant, " Quentin? Quentin, can you hear me? Quentin, stay awake for me, okay..? You're gonna be okay, just hang on okay..?" My vision started to blur, and my eyes surrendered to sleep. When I woke up, my arm was bandaged. I chuckled a little, looks like covering myself in bandages is a trend for me. First my eye, now my arm...Must run in the family, since Nova's leg is bandaged up. I can say that we're mismatching. Time heals all wounds, it's a saying known throughout time. My arm will heal.. my eye, may never heal.. All I know is that, I'm alive. Whether that is good or bad is debatable. Opinions will always vary from person to person. Everyone struggles with something, but I know one thing that most people never realize. I'm not alone, there are many people like me. As sad as that is. I can depend on people to be there for me, sure they might not always be truthful with me, some may be even betray me, but if I never search for the good people that I want in my life, am I really ever gonna be able to fight the things that haunts me? I don't think so, some can go into battle alone and be prepared to die, but I am not one of those people. I want to fight for what I believe in, for the people that care about me. Some may never find those people, some may believe they are a myth, but I..I have proof that they exist. My mother, always helped me, My sister, lead an escape from my father, the bringer of all my nightmares.. Ryoto saved me from my nightmares. I feel like I can depend on Ryoto, whether that is bad or good, the me of today does not know. I pushed myself up into a sitting position, only to notice that Ryoto was sleeping beside me. A small smile appeared across my face. I shook my head to get rid of my serious plain thinking, I blushed, maybe my sister's right, and Ryoto does like me as more than a friend, but she also maybe wrong. I only know where my own feelings lie, and Ryoto, will always be the hero that saved me. Maybe fate wanted me to get caught and know more about Ryoto, all I know is that, the past is the past, it can not be changed.

I appreciate Ryoto, for everything he's done for me. I believe he saved me from myself. Ryoto said," What are you thinking about so hardly? You know the kids are gonna wake up soon.?" It's been a couple of years since that accident happened. My father was sentence to live in prison, as death wasn't big of a punishment. My sister, after a month or two, went back to the Elemental pack, and became the Beta, of course I was there cheering her on. I went to Ryoto for all the problems I had, I couldn't go to a therapist, so Ryoto was my a way. He listened to everything that I had to say, about my past, what went on when on the run, the struggles that I went through to get where I am today. He didn't judge me, or say that they were right, that I shouldn't have been born. He just listened, and talked about how wrong those people were, and how I had nothing to worry about. Three months of telling Ryoto all the things that happened in my life, he told me all about his..and took me out to places. After two months of his parents discussing, they decided to actually make peace with the wolves. Finally after 7 months of all those events, Ryoto asked me out. I was a lot better, more cheerful, and had less nightmares about my past. I no longer feared the dark, as everything about me was revealed. Even if I only told one person, it was refreshing. I didn't really think talking would help me out, but it did..more than I thought it would. Now Ryoto and I are mates, when he asked me out, we were just boyfriends.. I remember the day like it was yesterday.

Ryoto and I were at the park, one of our weekly date night spots. We had been dating for a couple of months, and everyone was okay with it surprisingly. I was eating more, and was actually starting to be the healthy weight of a 20 year old. Ryoto set everything up, and it seemed magical, under the stars. After eating, Ryoto asked," I know it's been only a year since we became boyfriends, but I have always pictured us as mates. And was wondering after everything, if you would like to make my dream a reality and become my mate? I know, that life was hard on you, and that some of your scars will never heal completely, but I'm prepared to do everything I can to help you. All I ask in this moment, is if you're prepared to do the same for me, as my mate, from now until forever." Tears steamed down my eyes, I was so excited that I ended up changing into my wolf form, and pounced on him. A couple of months later, I noticed that some of the children that I met during the beginning of my stay were still in the orphanage, and after using my puppy dog face on Ryoto, he agreed to have us adopt them. We adopted the boy that warned me about my father, we also adopted a werewolf pup named Niel. This is my family, and I'm proud to say that they are the best little angels that ever happened to me.

The End..


Sorry that this took so long, you Warriors probably weren't expecting such a curve ball, but I usually make really happy stories, mainly why not a lot of my characters argue or fight, or when they do it's in a joking way.. During this time.. I was dealing with a lot at home.. My father slapped me, one day, from being drunk, and I kept that in for a long time... When I finally decided to talk about it, my father had forgotten about it, and my mother had never seen anything.. My mom almost got a restraining order on my dad, because of an accident with my aunt, and my parents were really close to getting a divorce. So in order to not make things worse, I kept it to myself...Until I gathered enough courage to actually talk about it, I ended up crying in the shower, because that's how I usually deal with anything that makes me really upset.. I'm the favorite cousin, which is a blessing and a curse, as my cousins go to me with their problems, in order to get them off their chests...And I was afraid that if I did that, they would not talk about it with me any more, as I'm older than them, and they look up to me, a tiny bit. Talking about it, really helped me, as I didn't really think it was bothering me that much, but in reality it was crushing me.. It's all over and done with now, and my parents are back to normal.. But it was a tough time.. Probably why I didn't really go back to this book as it reminded me of everything that I was going through, and when you're going through something, you don't know how to stop it.. I didn't really want to say anything, as some of my friends follow me, but I might as well put it out in the open that, I'm only human.. And everyone deals with things, some better than others.. I hope that if you're going through something, you talk about it, cause I know it may not seem like it'd help, but it does.. A lot. Sooo... Anyway, past that sad note, I'm glad to have this story done.. I know I've had this story for a while now.. But I think finishing it, and being able to look it in the eye, means that I am finally over what happened during this time... I'll see you Warriors, another time.. Make sure to check out my other stories.. And I hope that you all are doing well.. Chi Out!

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