Chapter Three

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I wake up on a dirty wooden surface. My clothes are soaking wet, and all around me is the distinct smell of salty ocean spray. The ocean???  Wait a minute. There is no ocean shoreline anywhere near near my hometown. I must be dreaming. 

I pinch myself. That’s what you do, isn’t it? But… nothing. I must be too cold to feel anything. Slowly, I sit up and rub my eyes. As my sight clears up at a bit more, the hairy face of a short middle aged man comes into focus. “Feeling better, me damsel?” he says.

“Where am I? Who are you? Did you bring me…?”He holds up his hands in alarm.“Whoa me damsel! One thing at a time, then! I don’t know exactly where you came from. Just passed out in the middle of the sea, you were. Me and my men here,” he gestures to the other people on the ship, “We rescued you. Good thing, too. A moment longer and you would’ve been just a big lump o’ fish food.”

“Me and me men, we’re pirates, we are. Looking for a great treasure in the Caribbean islands. Nearly there, too. See it there, right under the horizon.” He distinctly reminds me of someone, but I just can’t place it. Could it be… yes! He looks just like my dad! Is that weird or what?

Suddenly, the ship lurched forward. The man who sat beside me stood up hurriedly. “All hands on deck! Let’s bring her in, boys!”

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