Game Night

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Alex's morning sickness was not getting any better; the only remedy was J'onn's tea and Alex's has been drinking it out the wazoo. It's 6pm on Friday, Alex is 11 weeks into her pregnancy and all she wants to do is sleep. Her next appointment is Wednesday and then she can finally tell her family and friends. She has been dying to tell everyone. Although there isn't any physical evidence of the pregnancy, the symptoms are all there. Alex is meant to go over to Kara's for 7pm so she sets a couple alarms and settles on the couch for a nap.

Alex wakes up to her phone reading 6:50pm. "Shit!" Alex yells, jumping off the couch to get changed. It's 7:30 before Alex can step foot into Kara's apartment, lucky for her she is the first to arrive.

"Alex you're late." Kara pouts as she stuff popcorn into her mouth. Alex plops on the couch next to Kara and snuggles into Kara's side, "I know I'm sorry. I fell asleep and missed my alarms."

"Alex if you're too tired then you could have told me and I would have understood. You're body is working overtime and you need to slow down."
Alex sighs and cuddles further into Kara's side, "I know, I know. I didn't think it would be this bad. God it's like I'm running on half the energy I had. Thank god I'm not in the field, I don't think I could handle it."

"When do you think you will start showing?"
"Well its different for everyone but hopefully not until around 16 weeks. I'd rather not look like a blue whale when I'm about to deliver. I'm fine with a whale but not a blue whale."

Kara laughs, "yeah okay."

"Now remember neither Winn, James know about the baby."
"Right uumm, there's also someone else coming tonight. I forgot to tell you."
"Lena Luthor?" Alex asks cocking an eyebrow.
"Well it's about time. You talk about her all the time but I have yet to see the two of you together. I need to get to know my sister's best friend."
That was not the reaction she was anticipating, "wait you're actually okay with her coming?"
Alex shrugs, "well yeah, I've seen all the good she's done. She isn't like her family and she deserves friends and people who are on her side."
Kara hugs Alex, but not too tight, "thank you, thank you, thank you! You don't know how much that means to me."

The doorbell rings, "I got it! You sit and rest."
"Hey no complaints here." Alex said as she adjusted her position on the couch.

"James, Winn, hi come in," Kara says as she hugs the two men as they enter the apartment.
"Hey Alex, we come baring beer and pizza."
Alex tenses up mentally kicking herself in the butt for not thinking of a way out of drinking.

"Shit." Alex curses as she slowly gets off the couch.

"Yes pizza I'm starving," Alex says with a little too much pep in her step only her sister notices. Kara eyes her silently asking if she is okay. Alex shrugs mouthing back, "what should I drink?" Kara's eyes bulge out before coming up with an idea. As Winn and James sit on the couch with their food engaging in some Guardian conversation, Kara grabs a couple beers and pours them out. Then she quickly washes them before filling them with water.

"Smart thinking," Alex whispers taking one of the bottles. Kara does the same with a couple other bottles, puts the cap back on as best she could then puts them on a different shelf in the fridge so the boys wouldn't grab them.

"There problem solved," Kara says bumping hips with Alex, "how's the pizza?"
"Kara, Alex get your butts over here so we can start playing monopoly!" Winn yells from the couch. As they go to move, there's a knock on the door.

"I got it!" Kara dashes to the door and opens it to see Lena holding a bottle of wine, "I hope I'm not too late."
Kara hugs Lena, "of course not, your timing is perfect. We were just about to start monopoly."

They are half way through the game when Alex's head begins to pound. She messages her temples as she tries to block out the bickering between Winn and Kara.
"Does anyone need another beer?" Alex asks as she gets up to escape the noise.

"Yeah thanks Alex," James says. Alex grabs her water/beer and James a beer. She heads back to the living room giving James his beer.

"Thanks," he says, taking a sip then spitting it out in disgust, "what the hell?" He looks at the beer bottle for a moment before looking up at Alex.

"This tastes like water." James says. Alex is internally freaking out and looks to Kara who is doing the same.

"Alex is yours normal. Maybe the company jipped us on a bottle." James says trying to find reason. Alex looks around the room to the puzzled faces then sighs in defeat.

"No its not that. Um that bottle was supposed to be mine which means this one is yours." Alex says switching the bottles.

At this point everyone is lost but the sisters, "wait I'm confused why would you put water in a beer bottle."
"I wasn't planning on drinking tonight and I figured you guys would think something was up." Alex sits in her seat staring at her hands.

"Well, um, is everything okay?" Winn asks concerned for his older sister.
Alex head shoots up, "yeah, no everything is fine. It's just um," Alex looks to Kara for support, "I'm pregnant."
Their jaws drop and James is the first one to scoop Alex into a hug, "congratulations," he whispers in her ear.
"WOOH!!" Winn yells pumping his fists in the air.

"Congratulations Alex, you're going to be an amazing mom." Lena says with a wide smile.

Alex blushes, "thanks, I'm sorry you guys had to find out this way. It's just I was waiting until I was 12 weeks, granted that is only next week."
"That is totally understandable Alex."
"Well now that you all know I can get a drink that actually tastes good." Alex chuckles to herself, getting up once more to grab a cup of cranberry juice. Once the game was over, the group made themselves comfortable watch and latest Star Wars movie, courtesy of Lena who somehow managed to get a copy before it was released in theaters. By the time the movie was over, Alex was asleep against the arm rest of the couch.
"She's exhausted, this week has been crazy for her." Kara whispers as the group gets up to grab their things.
Winn turns to Kara, "is that why she looked like death today at work?"
Kara nods, "thanks for coming guys."

"No problem. I hope Alex gets some sleep, it looks like she needs it." James and Winn get their hugs then head out.

"Thank you for coming Lena. Normally we play more games and the night doesn't end so early but I figured Alex needs her rest."
Lena looks at Kara endearingly making Kara all fuzzy inside, "you are such a great sister Kara and I had a fun time tonight. Lunch Monday?"
"Of course, just no kale." After Lena leaves Kara goes back to the couch where Alex has yet to move.
"Alex wake up," Kara whispers rubbing Alex's upper arm.

Alex opens her eyes and goes to sit up but Kara stops her, "the movie's over, everyone left."
Alex looks around rubbing her eyes, "I'm sorry. I guess I was more tired than I thought."

"Come on I'll grab you some PJ's. I'd rather you not drive home so tired."

Alex goes to argue but decides against it as Kara pouts. She follows Kara to her room to get changed.

"I miss our sleepovers," Kara says as they climb into bed.

"Yeah well don't get use to them, both of us won't be able to fit in this bed for much longer."

"Good night Alex."
"mm night Kar."

To Be Continued...

P.S.- stay tuned for tomorrow's chapter.  You all are going to really like it!!

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