[deh] Connor Murphy x Reader [i'll be there]

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   This is in like text format for most of this one shot so it's all left aligned. It goes back to normal near the end. This is Dear Evan Hansen the best musical ever and Mike Faist played Connor so yeah. I'm sorry if I don't get exacts down I haven't seen the musical and I know the plot kinda but I love all I've seen and the idea, and hopefully I'll see it one day.
TW:Suicide attempt
Just warning in general: you might get some major feels

You: you weren't at school today
Connor:and your problem?
Connor:it's happened before
You:what's wrong with you
Connor:what do you mean
You:you haven't been at school the past three days, and you've been so angry
Connor:why do you care
You:I'm worried
Connor:don't be and thanks
You: for what?
Connor: for at least acting like you cared
Connor: because no one else would
Connor: and sometimes it felt like even my own family was against me
Connor:but even thought you don't care you acted like it
Connor: and that's the best thing that's happened to me since I've been a freshmen
Connor: and this is the last thing your going to hear from me
You: Connor are you okay what do you mean
You: I'm coming over

              I stepped out the door, Connor lived within running difference. I had to run I had no car nothing, and even though the asthma is going to kill me something off about Connor. So I started running

You: Connor don't of anything your going to regret
Connor: how can I regret something when I'm dead
Connor: so don't even bother y/n

                      I'm so out of breath but I'm almost there. I know Connor and I know his emotions. And I know that he gets angry and sad and over reacts. I know that he dosent feel like he belongs but he does.

Connor: at least you tried
Connor: unlike the rest of the word
You: your being ridiculous
You: Connor please don't hurt yourself
Read 4:19 pm

                Connor isn't going to die. Not like this. Connor Murphy the only boy that didn't want to be my friend because of my looks but because of my witty personality and choice of music. The boy who made me feel better when I was nervous was hell for my first basketball game this year. Connor Murphy the only one who's ever stuck by my side. Connor Murphy isn't going to die, not if I can help it.

You: I'm at your house.

            No one else is home. He's by himself
You: I'm not giving up on you Connor

           I opened the door. The Murphy's never locked it, ever. "Connor!" I was so out of breath, but I ran, all the way up the stairs. His door was open, just slightly.

            There Connor was in the middle of his room, holding a bottle, and the contents of the bottle in his hand. Some sort of drug. "It's a waist y/n I'm a waist"

              "No Connor your not" he was crying. That's the first time I've seen him like this. Weak, and scared. I was crying.

                 "Why didn't anyone else care?" You took one step closer and he stepped back with two steps. "Connor everyone does care" he stepped back again. "That's not true! No one did y/n and I'm just tired of pretending! I want to die." The tears where falling to the ground, and into his hand. "But that makes me a coward dosent it?" His body was against his desks, giving him no we're else to turn back to.

                    "Well I'd rather be a coward then pretend to be brave." Connor the boy who always said he would live and always be strong is breaking down right in front of me. "Connor please don't! You can't do this to yourself what about me? I'm alone if you do this."

                     "Your not alone, you'll find a friend. I've been holding you back from that." He sniffled, and mixed the pills in his hand "once I'm dead you can get out there. No one going to  remember 'Connor Murphy the drug addict'" "Connor your not holding me back." "Yes I am, you just don't seem to understand that y/n" I took another step and Connor winced.

                       "Connor I love you" he didn't even look up, but just laughed. "That's not true." "Yes it is" the tears where coming down my face hard and I wanted to knock the pills out of his hand but I have to be careful. "It's not true!" His fist made contact with the desk and he just held it there. "It's not true." I'm about four large steps away from him now.

                       "You can't care, you won't, and you never did y/n" There was silence "no one ever does."

                         Three large steps

                          "Connor please you have to bare with me, I can't lose you. Just put them down." "I want to swallow these, and end it y/n and at least I'll die and the last person I hear is you, and not the voices. They quite down when your around."

                            One large step

                              I cling onto his body and pulled the pills from his hands. This is it. Connor isn't going to die, not today. "It's okay." He wrapped his arms around me. We slid to the ground and we both just cried. "It's not over but we're going to get through it together just trust me Connor" my voice cracked.

                            I was holding Connor Murphy the boy with a story no one could even bring to understand. Not even myself. Connor Murphy the boy who's going to see another day full of sun, and a boy who's going to stay by my side.


             "I trust you"

I've got the feels and am ready to cry. That was sad to write from a first person view. I know in the musical Connor does die but I wanted it to end well. It was still sad :(

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