one ; annoying

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he hated that one customer. he came in everyday and ordered the same thing, sat at the same spot, with the same person at the same time. and he always caused or almost caused a commotion, it was very annoying.

soonyoung wasn't one to usually judge or get hot headed over small things but that annoying customer drove him off the edge. he was a short boy with black hair and always dressed cutely, with an oversized sweater that hung off his body loosely or a large hoodie that made him look even smaller than he actually was.

yet he was so fucking annoying.

"soon, calm down he'll be out of here in no ti-"

soonyoung didn't allow seungcheol to finish his plead against him not having an action he just quickly walked over to the boys and cleared his throat, not getting their attention so he decided to speak.

"please don't cause a commotion, we would like to keep it a friendly and peaceful area." soonyoung spoke calmly and respectfully despite his anger and annoyance towards the two, especially to the small boy.

he watched the small boy's eyes wander to his name tag with wonder in his eyes then look back to his eyes. soonyoung did notice his deep brown eyes that we're widened with wonder and his delicate features that write unmistakably beautiful.

"u-uh.. sorry."


okay so these are gonna be short chapters mainly because its sort of like an introduction yknow

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