Chapter 3

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Chanyeol's POV

I was awaken by the loud ticking of our alarm clock then I noticed that everyone was still asleep.

"Shut that thing!" Xiumin hyung yelled.

"It's still early." Sehun said.

"Why now?! It's way too early!" Kris hyung yelled while ruffling his hair.

"Why so early?" Suho said.

"We should've never bought that." Chen said.

"zZZZ" Lay mutters loudly.

"I'm still asleep." Luhan hyung said acting like still sleeping.

"I'm going back to sleep." Tao followed.

"My beauty sleep!" Baekhyun said.

"I was having a good dream!" Kai complained.

"I'll go and cook breakfast." D.O said

After I heard their complaints, I remembered something.


"WAKE UP! It's time for school!" I shouted.

"Who cares about school?!" They shouted in unison.

"We care! It's our first day with Rim being our classmate!" I shouted back.

"RiM!!"They said.

"How could we forget?!" Suho said.

"I'm done cooking." D.O said from the kitchen.

"I'll brush my teeth." Sehun said

"I'll take a bath." Kai said.

"I'll iron our clothes." Xiumin said.

"Everybody move, move, move!" Kris shouted acting like this is a military academy.

"You too, move!"Suho said.


We're now heading to school. Ugh, I can't believe we forgot about school when we just talked about it yesterday. These guys really.

I looked at my watch and shoot!

"We're already late!" I declare while shaking Suho hyung's shoulders.

"WHAT??!!" Suho hyung went crazy!

Just kidding.

"What time does school start?" Kris hyung asked.

"It started about a minute ago." I announce.

"We're here." The driver exclaimed.

We look out of our window and saw many girls waiting for us.

Here we go.

"Thank you!" Kai and I both said in unison and walked out of the car.

"Kai, I love you!!" Some girls yelled.

"Sehun, you're so cute!"

"Luhan, marry me!"

"Kris, let me be your girlfriend!"

We were about to go back to the car when someone pulled me by the hand and I pulled my other members. After a few seconds we were out of the crowd.

"Thanks for helping us!" Me and the members exclaim then bowed. The mysterious person removes the cap in her head...her?!

"Please no!!" We yelled while moving backwards.

"Hey! Don't worry, it's cool. The principal sent me for you" She explained.

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