The Train's Extinction

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Yuki screeched like a pterodactyl on the brink of death.


He never had a life to begin with.

"Yuki, I don't know who that girl is... but I don't think we should trust her." Mask placed her gloved hand on his shoulder and forced a calm smile since the Miku fanatic seemed nervous. "That girl is probably some pathetic emo-edgelord fusion," she didn't bother talking softly since she wanted Death to hear her insults.

Death frowned and let out a sigh of disapproval. Her aura was sickeningly dark but she didn't bother saying anything.

Meanwhile, Flare was too busy watching yaoi on her phone. She heard news about the train's extinction but she didn't really care. Yaoi was the only thing that was important to her.

Pssst, I can't write for sh*t. Someone continue this for me.

(So this is the original Death my bois)

"Fine." She said.

"Since I know you guys and you don't know me, I might as well just leak all my personal information." She sighed, taking out a knife from her pocket and flung it around. "My real name is Leia, I'm thirteen, and.... I eat trains. Tempura trains, actually."

"What an interesting way to eat trains." Ace commented. "What happened to memes?"

"And yaoi?" Flare added.

"And keychains?" Yuki said.

"And volcanic sauce?" Mask asked. (Boi that rhymed-)

"Nope." She said, popping the P like a totally cliche girl in high school. "Tempura trains are my all time favourite. Besides, I could always add some cars and weird airplanes for toppings. About the disappearance though, we could ask someone who was here last night."

She pointed to a lone woman sitting nearby.

(Does anyone wanna continue-)

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