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two weeks had passed since school had started, and eddie still hadn't confessed to richie.

he was over at richie's house, watching some shitty movie on the shitty tv. richie seemed focused on the film, eyes glued to the staticky screen.

eddie glanced up at richie, taking in his features as if it were the first time he was seeing them. he took note of the way richie's curls fell into his face and how none of his freckles were perfect dots, all different sizes and shapes. he memorized the color of richie's eyes, the deep chocolate brown that seemed to be hinted with a honey tint. he noticed the way richie chewed on his bottom lip when he concentrated and imagined the way his hand would feel wrapped around his own.

suddenly, those honey-chocolate eyes flickered to meet eddie's.

"you okay, eds?"

eddie blushed. "oh, uh, yeah.. i'm okay." he looked away, biting his lip. richie turned to face eddie and put a hand on his cheek.

"are you sure? you're acting weird." richie tilted his head.

"i-i'm okay, rich. really."



the two boys smiled at each other, then fell into a fit of giggles. eddie grinned and leaned into richie's chest, the taller boy smiling wider and pulling eddie closer. even though richie probably didn't mean anything by it, it made eddie's heart skip a beat, and brought a rose tint to his cheeks.


eddie had eventually fallen asleep, curled up against richie's chest, as the older boy stroked his neatly trimmed hair, long and slender fingers weaving through the soft strands. richie smiled, noticing the smaller boy snuggling closer to his chest.
he mumbled a soft,"sleep well, princess..." before turning the television off and closing his eyes.


a month and a half had passed into the school year. eddie was still keeping his feelings from richie. it was starting to break him down. he needed to tell him, but he didn't know how.

at the end fourth period, he decided to tell richie after school.

he took a deep breath as the dismissal bell rang, all the seniors scurrying to leave the hellhole they all called a school. eddie was the last one out.

he made his way to the parking lot, seeing richie standing by his car, gorgeous as ever. eddie's heart fluttered and he took a deep breath, walking to the tall boy.

"heya, eddie spaghetti!"

"hi rich.." he blushed. "so, uh.. can i talk to you about something?"

"sure, little man. anything." he gave a toothy grin.

here goes nothing.

"so, i've been thinking about this for a long time, and i just- i-i don't know, i really like you, and you're always so sweet to me, and just... i'm in love with you."

richie's cheeks were a rosy pink, a soft smile spread across his lips.

"aw.. eds, i'm in love with you too.."

eddie's heart beat quickly as richie leaned in and pressed their lips together in a sweet, passionate kiss. it all felt too good to be true.

except, that's not what happened.

eddie froze in his tracks, staring at the love of his life, kissing some fucking girl eddie didn't even know in the front seat of his car.

it felt like eddie's whole world was crashing down. his heart was shattering into a million pieces and there was nothing he could do about it. he couldn't tear his eyes away from richie and the girl, no matter how much it broke him to see it.

he and richie were not dating. he and richie were just friends. he knew that.

then why did this hurt so badly?

yeah, he had a stupid crush on the stupid tozier boy, but the ache in his heart seemed too unreal. it shouldn't hurt this badly.

when eddie noticed the warm liquid falling down his cheeks, he heard the voice that suddenly couldn't make things better anymore.


eddie couldn't think anymore. his brain gave up and let his broken heart do the talking.

richie told the girl he'd see her some other time before making his way over to eddie, who quickly turned his back and began to walk away.

"eddie? eddie spaghetti, what's wr-"

"don't fucking call me that. just leave me alone." he kept walking.


"i said leave me alone!"

richie stepped in front of the smaller boy, grabbing his shoulders and looking him in the eye, his clunky glasses beginning to slide down the bridge of his nose.

"eddie, talk to me. you were fine all day. what happened?"

eddie gave a soft, heartbroken laugh. "what happened? what happened!? richie, you really are fucking clueless!"

richie looked concerned, still looking into the smaller boy's eyes. "What do you mean?"

"rich, i'm in love with you!" eddie yelled.

then everything went silent. richie's face fell, and eddie's heart broke even further. 


eddie shoved richie's hands from his shoulders. "whatever. forget it." he walked past richie, towards his own house, and richie was left standing there, his heart beginning to break from his blindness.

{COMPLETED} cherry cola 🍒 reddieWhere stories live. Discover now