three; will

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This is dedicated to Jana. Thank you so much for reading this story.

My mood was ruined by that girl who had crashed into my Ferrari this morning. Alec could tell that something was bugging me when we sat down for lunch. "What the hell, man," he punched me on the shoulder, "you've been acting like a black cloud's above your head."

I shook my head. "Some little skank crashed into my car and left a dent. She was pretty rude."

Alec winced. "Sounds feisty," he commented. "What did Chelsea say? Did she eat the poor girl with her claws?"

"No," I glared at him, "she didn't. She almost called her a bitch- well she was a bitch- but I told her to leave. I didn't want to make a scene."

"You know what's going to make you feel better," Alec said as my girlfriend and her best friends joined her. "There's this new girl that everyone's been buzzing about. She came into my homeroom, and Will, man, she's hot."

Chelsea snorted. "I saw a glimpse of her and she's definitely not that hot as you'd like to think, Alec," she opened her salad. "She's actually quite ugly in fact so I definitely don't classify her as being 'hot' as you'd like to say."

Steven, my other best friend, looked at her like she was crazy. "You're being crazy, Chelsea," he cried. "The girl is definitely hot. I think she's actually hotter than you."

My girlfriend pouted. I noticed that she was quite upset so I hugged her. "You're positively hotter than her, babe," I said, planting a kiss on her forehead. She pushed me away. "Leave me alone, babe," she said. I moved closer to her. "Come on, baby," I said into her ear. "Why don't we go out for Italian tonight? My treat."

She perked up. "Pizza sounds good to me," she murmured and turned to talk to one of her friends. Alec and Steven looked at me, their eyebrows raised. "So that's how you win a girl over," Steven commented to Alec.

"Oh yeah," Alec laughed as I turned red. The other guys complained that I was turning into a girl after I started dating Chelsea. They made it clear to me that they thought that my girlfriend was brainwashing me since she's made me come along with her to CVS to get makeup.

Honestly, if I didn't say no, she'd get mad at me so I'd rather have them call me a wuss than have my girlfriend break up with me because I really, really like her.

Sadly, I didn't love her. Yet. I didn't love Chelsea yet. There wasa only one girl who I really loved. Unfortunately, she never even replied to call my calls, to my e-mails or even DMed me on Twitter when I finally found her and followed her. She came across me as rude and arrogant.

Good thing I found Chels. She was nothing like that girl.



The class after lunch was Literature and I had it with Steven so I actually quite enjoyed it. Steven was always a laugh, and could turning anything boring into something snort worthy (yes, I William Mason do snort sometimes), and the teacher was cool.

We walked in, and everyone turned their heads to pay attention to us. I silently groaned. The girls at school thought i was a god and worshipped the ground I walked on. I thought it was cute that they did it but sometimes it can go overboard scary. Stalkers even which do not make me happy.

Steven and I took a seat at the very back of the classroom since everyone wanted to stay in the front. The chairs next to us were completely empty so we were able to use our phones when the topics got too boring.

Our teacher walked inside, and turned on the Smart TV that they used. "Okay, class," he began to say, "we have a new student and she's come all the way from Europe." He turned to the door and motioned for someone to enter. We all patiently waited for the new student to come inside and literally- literally- my jaw dropped when she entered.

It was that girl from that car park. "Dude," I whispered to Steven. "That's the girl who trashed my car."

Steven did a double glance. "No shit man!" He made a low whistling sound. "I don't care if she trashes my car. She's hot."

"That's the new girl?" I ran a hand through my hair. "Sheesh, i hate her already! She was so fucking rude when she bumped into my car and almost crashed the shit out of it! Dude, I made a complaint to the principal's office about her. I hope she got what she deserves."

Steven just rolled her eyes, and lifted an eyebrow up. "Calm down, man. You're going to start throwing chairs out of the window if you get it too much in your head." He placed a hand on my shoulder, a knowing look on his face. "Besides, man, admit it: the tough ones are the hot ones."

I shook my head. "Idiot," I muttered and he laughed. I turned back to the front as our teacher asked the new girl (more like the new spawn of the devil to introduce herself).

She played with the long necklace that she was wearing and took a deep breath. You could tell everyone was watching her. The girls were glaring at her, thinking of her as the new competition, and the guys were staring at her like she was the hottest thing they'd ever seen.

"Hi, everyone," she said with a slight accent. "My name's Clara Greene and I recently moved here from Italy. I moved to Italy from here five years ago."

Suddenly, my stomach churned, and I knew that it couldn't be her. It couldn't be her. She didn't have wavy hair, and sparkling green eyes. It just couldn't be. The last time I saw her, she looked different. Super different.

Why didn't she even tell me that she was moving back?

"No way," I said, loudly, and everyone turned towards me. Our eyes met and I could see confusion, and shock in them. Her mouth was formed into an O shape and she looked speechless. It didn't seem like she could even form coherent sentences.

The teacher turned to me. "Do you have anything to say, Mr Mason?"

I sunk into my seat. "No, sir. Sorry."

This was going to be one heck of a school year.

So an update! FINALLY. It's June and that means: school. :( I hope you like this. Please vote, comment, and follow. Much love, P.

P.S. F, you owe me the next update! haha





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