Skating Fiasco - Jack Avery

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You had a strange dream the other night. You dreamnt that Zach and Jack were skateboarding in their house backyard pavement. The funny thing was that Jack was teaching Zach on how to use the skateboard and Zach was failing badly, in a good way though since it made you laugh.

You've actually had a liking on the both of them, well more to Jack honestly. He's caught your eye ever since he showed his sassy side and made you laugh the hardest when he starts roasting people back.

Now you're laying in bed, overthinking the dream you had last night. It felt intriguing thinking about it. If only dreams could be recorded and played on a screen for you to see clearly. Now it just seems vague and you're just adding details to the scene instead of letting it play out like how it's supposed to be.

The dream also made you wonder about all these feelings you have building up. Truthfully, you weren't close with guy friends. At least not yet. Being friends with guys always seem awkward to you. Unless your girl friends are around.

Zzzz zzzz

Your phone buzzed. You picked it up to find a notification from no other than Jack himself.


You quickly shot up and checked the message. Your vision was actually still a blur. this actually a text from him? Its probably homework related. Or maybe its a notif for the group chat.

Nope. Thats a personal chat. 😱

Ok breatheeeeee. Its just another casual chat. Only a 5 second feeling of excitement and you will move on as usual.

After waiting a few minutes before reading the message, cos you don't want to sound desperate and all especially due to the early time (its 9 am), you finally open the chat.

Jack: Hey. You free today?

Your breath hitched for a moment, not knowing how to feel. This sounds exactly like those cute romantic asking people out on a date situations. Except this isnt really like that. Oh well. A girl can dream.

You: Yeah I think so. What's up?

Honestly inside you wanted to write longer. Somethin like.."omg yes i am definitely free. Why? R u gonna finally ask me out on a date? Not that u would but that would be amazing"

But your hands beg to differ.

Okay. Gotta stay cool.

He surprisingly replied fast, despite the 5 minute delay it took for you to reply.

Jack: The gang is planning to hang at the house. You know which one;)

Oh gosh the wink emoji. You could honestly just die rn. What is this world..? Its too early to feel this way😭

You: Oh suree. Same time as usual?

Jack: Definitely👍

And that was the end of it.

Small talk.

You dont know if that small talk was enough. It was short but felt amazing. But that was it. It just sounds like two people awkwardly replying to each other in a cold tone. Friendly at first..but then cold.

Maybe you could've tried better in making the texts funner rather than tryna be cool and casual. But that would end up in him raising suspicions that you were flirting with him. (Well that would be his problem right? What if you werent actually interested in him?)

As usual whenever this situation happens, you text your best friend.

You: he texted😭

😓its sad when you're feeling this way and your friend isn't active yet. So guess you have to wait.

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