Chapter 1

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Setting: Kylo captured Rey in order to extract the map to locate Luke Skywalker. But an unexpected reaction he has to her makes him want to protect her instead of hurt her. Refusing to let her go until she gives him the information he needs, he has kept her prisoner at their base for three months. During that time, their relationship has evolved into a snarky friendship of sorts.

"Hey. How are you today?"

Rey rolled her eyes at the man in front of her who just entered her room. Just like every day, he was dressed in all black, but at least he didn't bother wearing his helmet around her anymore. They'd come a long way since that very first interrogation, and fear was no longer one of the emotions Rey felt in his presence.

"Why do you ask me that every day? You already know my answer."

The corner of Kylo's mouth turned up in a tiny grin. "I don't know. Maybe I have hope that someday you'll give me a new one."

Rey let out an exasperated sigh. "Don't hold your breath."

"I won't, but you have to answer the question."

"Fine." Rey shrugged. "I'm as good as can be expected considering I'm still your prisoner."

Kylo lowered his head, trying to hide the smile spreading across his lips. "You're impossible. What more can I do to make you happy? First, you wanted out of the chains, and I complied. Then you demanded better food. Without a second thought, I stopped the prisoner rations, and you eat like one of us now. Then you wanted a better room." Kylo turned in a circle, hands out by his sides as he gestured towards every luxury he'd supplied her with. "You have the best room on the whole base." He took several large steps as he crossed the room and swiftly pulled the drapes away from the window, letting the sunlight shine through the thick glass. "No one else has a view like this."

"It doesn't matter where you put me, or what you feed me. A cage is still a cage." Rey's eyes narrowed as she tried to make her point.

Kylo nodded in understanding. "I guess I just thought maybe you saw things differently now. I told you way back on day one that you are my guest."

Rey huffed. "What a joke. Do you interrogate all your guests on a daily basis?"

Kylo's expression dropped to one of defeat. "Oh come on. I'd hardly call my visits an interrogation. We talk, we play chess," Kylo pointed at her suddenly. "You even laugh at my jokes sometimes.

Rey couldn't keep her tone angry for long. She never could with him. Her abduction had become the most unconventional kidnapping in the history of their galaxy. "Not because they're funny. I just don't want to discourage you. Someday you might say something that actually is funny."

Her captor rolled his eyes as he took a seat at the table that held their most recent chess match. "You're lying. I'm fucking hysterical, and you know it."

Rey had to bite the inside of her cheek to prevent a smile from betraying her. As soon as the threat of her giggles passed, she walked over and joined him at the tab. "Are we going to play?"

"No!" Kylo's tone suddenly changed. "I'm not in the mood for chess."

"Okay. What are you in the mood for?"

"Change. I want things to change." Kylo looked up and locked his eyes with hers. "You've been here for three months now. I've done everything in my power to show you I am not the monster you think I am. And yet, you still refuse to help me."

"Help you?"

"Yes! Help me. I need that damned map to find Skywalker."

"And I told you, I'm not giving it to you. Do you really think that I will change my mind just because you're nice to me now? I won't betray the resistance like that."

Kylo suddenly slammed his fist against the table, sending the chess pieces flying across the room. Rey jumped at his sudden outburst. He hadn't done something like that in a long time. Had she pushed him too far? Was he ready to end playing Mr. Nice Guy and invade her mind, taking what he wanted by force, regardless of what it did to her?

"Rey, listen to me. Snoke found out you're here. I don't want to hurt you, but he won't hesitate to torture you to get the information he wants. His ship will be here in two days. I can't protect you from him." Kylo stood and circled the small table, stopping right behind Rey's chair, before leaning forward to whisper in her ear. "If you were smart, you'd just give me what I want now. We'll get it one way or another. It's just a matter of how much pain you can take before you break. Give me the map now and save yourself from that."

Rey could feel Kylo's hot breath against her neck and goosebumps erupted down her arms. She wanted so badly to give him what he wanted. She wasn't stupid. She knew he would suffer for failing to retrieve the data himself. Snoke would punish him just as he would torture her. In the end, they would most likely both end up half dead if not worse. And for what? Snoke would get the map she'd been keeping safe all this time anyway. Was resisting worth it? Was risking her life? Was risking his?

Rey shook her head gently, pulling herself away from the unpleasant train of thought. Her eyes focused on the scattered chess pieces at Kylo's feet before she looked up into his eyes. "I...I..."

Kylo put a single finger to her lips, silencing her immediately with the faintest touch as he suddenly changed the subject. "How are you with your ancient history?"

Rey's head jerked back as his question caught her by surprise. "Ah, not as good as I should be. Why?"

"Are you familiar with the planet Earth?"

"A little. I know it was one of the many planets our ancient ancestors helped to colonize. What does this have to do with anything?"

Kylo smiled as he rose back up to his full height. "They celebrate a holiday there. They call it Christmas. In a few hours, it will be Christmas on Earth. The way they celebrate it is by giving each other gifts. Things that show the other what they mean to them."


"So, I have a gift for you. I'll be back to give it to you when it's officially Christmas day in a few hours. Maybe, during that time, you can come up with something to give me in return. Do you think you can do that?"

"What could I possibly give you as a gift? You won't even let me leave this room. I can't exactly go shopping."

"What I want is not something that can be bought. You have everything you need, right here to come up with the perfect gift." Kylo placed his hand on Rey's shoulder. "You're going to love my gift to you. I hope my gift is equally as thoughtful."

At that, he turned away from her and left the room. Rey listened as the electronic deadbolt fell into place behind him, confirming she was once again locked in her room.

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