Part 7: New life

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Raglak are sitting in park near Badi,ragini is crying thinking about their family members and their words.Laksh is trying to console her but failed as she is crying non stop.

Laksh: Ragini why are you crying like Pls stop Yar.

Ragini:(With crying voice) laksh everyone is right I am the reason for everything,why you done like this???

Laksh: Then what will I do??I can't see you with another boy it is paining(he said with tears).

Ragini: I don't no anything laksh I don't no(she cried more)I destroyed my sisters life I snatched you from her.

Laksh: it is not like that ragini me and swara are never meant for raglak are made for each other,it is my impulsive decision that is the reason for everything(he is regretting for canceling his marriage with her and proposing swara).

Omi come towards raglak,seeing ragini in this condition he goes towards her and hugged her. She is crying in his shoulder. Laksh got jealous seeing this but it vanishes hearing their conversation.

Omi: Ragini why are you crying?you don't do anything wrong.

Ragini: No bhai(Laksh got a big smile hearing ragini calling him as her bhai, he got happy seeing ragomi bond).I am wrong I am the reason for everyone's pain.

After talking with Omi ragini became little calm. Laksh thanked Omi for making his crying baby calm. Omi arranged a small house to raglak for staying. He is the only one who helped raglak to start their new life.


Few months leap:

A beautiful small house is seen it is our raglak small rent house. Now ragini in working as a music teacher in xxx school and Laksh is working as an assistant manager in ABC company. Now raglak is living happily but it is true that they missing their family.But laksh is little angry on there family for blaming his ragini.

Day by day raglak love for each other increases they come to know like and dislike of there partner. Their new life was not smooth at the beginning but now they very well know the hardship of life.

Today laksh is back from office,today ragini is late. He is waiting for his beautiful wife. After one an hour ragini was back. She greeted Laksh and after freshing up she goes to make coffee for her handsome hus. She is little bit tired today laksh sense this. Raglak are in kitchen laksh back hugged ragini and keep his chin in her shoulder. ' Today I will make coffee for us' he says. 'No laksh I will make' she protest. Laksh didn't said anything he make her sit in sink and start to make coffee for them. Ragini looked laksh lovingly,who is busy in his work. Now she is not regret for their marriage,because she understand that raglak are made for each other and she can't live without laksh same as laksh. Her only worry is about swara and their family but now she knows that if swa-lak marriage happens her sister would never live happily.

Finally our Laksh made coffee and forward a cup of coffee to his love.

Laksh: Here is your coffee made by laksh for his beautiful wife(forward cup to her).

Ragini: (she take the cup and passed her beautiful smile to him) Thank you hus😄😄she sips

Laksh is waiting for her reaction.

Laksh:(Excited) how was it ragu?

Ragini: chii laksh I was never drink this much worst coffee.

Laksh got sad😥😥 seeing his facial expression she burst out in laugh😂😂 she was just trying to tease him.Laksh looked her confused🙄

Ragini: oh my god laksh look at your face noooo sad,lucky I was just teasing you coffee was really awesome.(saying this she runs from there with her coffee).

Laksh: Ragini ki bachi I will not leave you.(he runs behind her with a smile).

Hope you guys like this part.

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