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Happy mother's day guys

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Happy mother's day guys. Give them all the love they deserves as mother's are the one who always sacrifice their happiness for their child.

Months passes now Laksh start his own business.Raglak start to meet Ap secretly. Now he is not at all angry on their families as Ragini make him understand that the fault is on raglak side also. As Laksh is the one who broke their engagement and ragini is the one who asked everyone to accept swa-lak relation then how they can put every blame on their families.

One Fine Sunday in Raglak house:

🔔🔔🔔Raglak calling bell is continuously ringing.

Laksh got irritated by the sound who is watching the football match in full excitement. 'Ragini you look na who come' he said to her. Who is busy with the kitchen replayed 'i can't Laksh I am busy with my work it is better you look '.
Laksh didn't replayed her back but the bell is ringing continuously.  Finally she came from the kitchen and looked her husband with cute anger but he had no time look his wife or answer her.
This Laksh na who forgot everything when his match comes. Even Laksh also forgot me(😥😥).

It has been 10mintus that she goes to look who came. But now there is no sign of her. 'Ragini' he shout and getup from his seat and goes towards the door.
'Ragini don't you hear,how long I am calling you. What are you doing here,who came?? He stopped in his track seeing their families there. His wife is looking them with teary eyes. He put his hand on her shoulder to console her.

Ap: Ragini Beta don't you welcome us in your house.

Ragini nod with happy tears and welcomed everyone. Same as Laksh as he is no longer angry on them. But no one is talking,they are thinking who will start.

'laado don't you forgive your Dadi Ma,don't you talk with me' dadi asked with teary eyes. That's it for ragini she runs towards her Dadi ma and hugs her.

'Don't say like that Dadi Ma,i can never angry on you and don't make me embraces asking forgiveness. In fact i also done wrong na' saying she weep dadi's tears and smiled. Like this she talked with her Papa and Ma. Now swaragini is standing Infront of each other. Without wasting anytime they hugged and cried in each other's shoulder. Laksh smiled seeing their bond.
'Sorry swara but I never meant to hurt you' Ragini said with guilt.
'pagal (she slapped her shoulder slightly)who said that I was sad knowing about your love,i was hurt that my sister and friend have no trust on me and how dare you to tried to sacrifice your love for me' she said all this with cut anger.
Now Ragini's all guilt was vanished as her sister is not angry on her. Swaragini share a beautiful hug. Swara broke the hug.
'Ragini don't you want to see your soon be jiju' she said pointing towards sanskar.
Ragini looked sanskar and everyone with question like is she saying the truth??they nod with a smile and swasan blushed. She remembers about laksh saying that they done nothing wrong and Swara never loved him,she will soon find her true love.
She smiled looking at laksh,who smirked saying through his eyes 'now see na'. Both raglak congratulate swasan.

Laksh family also ask sorry to raglak for their behavior same does raglak. Everyone request raglak came back to their family,which raglak accepted without any objection. Finally everything got solved.
'i want to say something' ragini says while Dp split the water he is drinking. Everyone asked him is he is fine?. He nod but he is glaring ragini and requesting her not to say the truth through his eyes. But this time she is not listening him.
'Aha ragini say na' Laksh says  with a smile. Ragini start to say something.


After some days of raglak marriage. Someone came to meet ragini in the school where she is working as music teacher. Ragini got fear after seeing the person,it was non other than Dp.

Ragini:(With little fear,a s he was too much angry on her na)Papaji.

Ragini was surprised to see this behaviour towards ragini. He is talking with her nicely as previously.

Dp: Ragini Beta I am sorry for that,beta I am not angry on you(now ragini looked him with confusion).

Ragini:(She remembers how rudely she behaved with them that day)if you are not angry on us,than why you behaved like that day??.

Dp: it is truth that I got disappointment from both of you. I always want to see you as my Laksh's wife,i acted to be angry on you both. I want to see Laksh as responsible,if that day I accepted you both Laksh will soon back to his old avatar. I don't want to see him as irresponsible who is living under his father's shadow.
So i make him out of the house Only to see him as a responsible person,who is standing his own feet. I also know you are the one who can make him responsible(he says carrissing her head). I always failed to give him the fatherly love that he always curved(he become sad remembering how he was always busy with his business not giving any attention to his son and how always strict to him).
Take care of your self and laksh also(saying this he started to move but ragini stopped him).

Ragini:(with happy tears after knowing his love for laksh,as he is thinking about his betterment)Come with me papaji,we will say this to everyone. After knowing this he can never angry on his papa. He must be the happiest person in the world knowing his papa's love for him.

Dp: No Ragini Beta,we will disclose everything when time comes. Till then let's it be.

Ragini agreed to Do half heartedly. But she is happy for laksh.

Flashback ends******

After hearing this laksh runs towards his papa and cried in his shoulder.

Laksh:(crying voice) I am sorry papa,i never tried to understand your. I am sorry papa.

Dp:(He weep his son tears) No laksh,i know you loved your papa always. But it is my mistake that I always showed authority on you rather than love. Today I am proud of my son who is standing his own leg.

Ap and ragini is smiling between their tears,seeing the papa sons bond.

Laksh is still hugging his papa while he looked at his beautiful wife who is admiring their bond.
Laksh thanked her through his eyes for making him understand his father's love. She smiled cutly.

Now Ap is looking Dp with cute angry face.

Ap: You are are very bad ji,you meet my bhahu secretly and enquired about them. But in house you acted as you are very anger on them how can you do that ji.

Dp:(Teasingly) like you do. You also meet your bhahu and son secretly na. I know everything Annapurna.

Everyone is smiling hearing their talk.
Ap shut her mouth with out words and then laughed.Raglak admired their family,finally everything got solved they got their family back.

Do you guys like this chapter or not??
I know today's epi is full of family and bit emotional but next will be full of raglak and guys I am planning to end this FF soon as possible before that if you want me to add any raglak scenes you can say me but no hot scenes.

Till then take care bye😘😘😘.

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