Part 2

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In club ragini is standing with Omi and Swa-lak is standing together. Some of Omi friend drag him some where and he goes. Ragini thought give privacy to swa-lak so she left to other side which is un noticed by swa-lak and omi. She is standing in a corner and watching everyone. She don't like the place so she just stand there. Some one gives her juice she drink that with out hesitation. But the drink is mixed by some alcohol which is done some boys there. She feels her head is spinning she can't see anything properly.


Ragini is seen standing in the center of the stage. She start to dance in the effect of drink some boys are accompanied her. They are trying to come close to her she is not reacting off course she is in drink affect na. Laksh is watching them in far before any boy come to close her he run towards her in anger pushed those boys held her in his arms. She directly lands in his chest ragu looks at him innocently. He dragged her out swara is not there at time she is in wash room. Laksh dragged her outside but ragini is just looking him lovingly more the corner of his eyes he notice this. Ragini hugged him suddenly and utter i love you to him. He looked her for some time in shock then it turn to a smile. Yes he loved to hear that words from his mouth. Laksh very well know that ragu loves him and his love for swara hurting her, but it is the first time she is saying this to him directly. He forget swara and his love for her for some time and felt happy to see ragini near to him.

Laksh: (Dragging her out)Challo ragini, lets go home.

Ragini: (Childishly) no no, i want to dance, i want to dance with him(pointing an handsome boy).

Laksh:(He tighten his fist,and with a jealousy tune)Why do you want to dance with that boy??????

Ragini: Because you don't want to dance with me,don't want to spend time with me (she is blurting out all her pain which he given to her in a drunken state)

Laksh got hurt hearing the truth from her mouth.

Laksh: come with me(in a strict tone)

Ragini:(crying like a child) You are really bad, he is far better than you(again she make him jealous)

Laksh:(With jealous) Whom???

Ragini: Omi he is soooo nice, you are very bad.

'Really' laksh ask her with a sad look. Before he ask further ragini moved her lips close to his right ear and said' but i love you, i love you more than anything in the world'. Now his lips curved a million dollar smile. He looked at her eyes,those eyes he never tried to look now he understand what is her big beautiful eyes says. That says about her unconditional love for him. He don't how to react at that movement he had been relationship with many girls, now he is in relationship with swara. But this feeling is new to him, he felt an unknown happiness now with ragini. Ragini's closeness with him is make his heart beats fast. He felt to want her in his arms all time and protect her from all evils in the world like whom?? he don't know about that still but he want to become her protector and her hero. Is he fall for her he got confused by his own thoughts.

He take her in his hands, she is protesting him buy shake her legs but he seems unaffected. See her struggling so much he looked her soon it turn a beautiful eyelock and now like a good girl she stop protesting put her hands in neck. He smiled at her seeing this. He made her sit in his car next to him. He put her seat belt going so close to her but she is looking outside and enjoying. When he was driving she keep looking outside through window and singing some songs not giving any attention to him she is still in drink affect her hairs are flying in the wind making her more beautiful laksh is lost in her beauty and her voice.


Swara and Omi is searching Raglak in the party with worried face. They are not aware about the incidents happened there. Soon Omi got a message from laksh saying about ragini's state and he was taken her to badi. Soon they both also left to badi. Swara not felt good to knowing the fact that laksh is so much cared for ragini more then her.

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