Jacob Trouba - Frozen

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You and Jacob have been super close since you were little. Growing up as family friends turning into best friends. You always had a little thing for him but you were worried you'd ruin the friendship. Plus, he was always so busy with hockey that you didn't want to bring too much stress on him. Despite being ecstatic he was making it in the NHL, having him so far away in Winnipeg was always quite painful because you missed him like crazy, especially during the holidays.

On Christmas morning, you're sitting in the lounge room by the fireplace with your family, opening presents. You received a new pair of skates, an awesome knitted ugly jumper and some bath and body works products. After all the Christmas cheer, you checked your phone and replied to a bunch of Christmas texts but one name stood out. You see the name 'Jacob' on your screen.

> "Merry Xmas! I miss you! Do you wanna build a snowman? :P "

< "Merry Xmas to you too! I'd love to but you're not here :( "

> "Think again, surprise!"

You hear a small tap on the window and you look up to see your best friend Jacob, standing outside in the snow holding a carrot, beanie and scarf in his hands. You can't stop smiling and yell to your family that he's outside.

"That's fantastic! Make sure you invite him to dinner, the rest of the Troubas are coming over as well!" Your Mum yells.
"Will do!" You reply.

You run outside ecstatic and embrace him in a tight hug. You've missed him so much and it was so nice to see him again.

"I can't believe you're here! I thought you said you weren't coming home for Christmas this year because of such bad weather!"

"It suddenly cleared and I could get a flight out, you could say it was a Christmas miracle!"

"Haha, your parents must be super happy then!"

"Yeah they are! I surprised them last night! My little cousins thought it was Santa coming home in the middle of the night!"

You guys spend the whole afternoon building a snowman, often getting distracted with snowball fights where your family joined in as well and making snow angels, all while singing Christmas and Frozen songs. You two reminisce over fond memories together and you're just so happy to be with him.

When you guys finally finish your snowman with all you're distractions, you start singing 'Let it Go' from all your joy. Jacob being super giddy and happy, suddenly lifts you in the air and spins you around while you sing the start of the chorus, with the biggest smile

The two of you lock eyes and as he slowly brings you back to earth, he suddenly kisses you with much emotion and passion. Your hands instinctively grab the back of his head as his hands pull in closer at the waist.

As you pull away, you let out a "Wow, what was that for?"

"I just had to let it go. I've wanted to do that forever, I've always liked you more than just friends."

"Aww, me too. Really."

"The distance has just been so hard, I barely got to see you and when I did I didn't want to jeopardise anything."

"Same, I was so worried I would make things worse. I just missed you so much and I'm so proud of you."

"I missed you too! Oh that reminds me, I have your Christmas present!"

He pulls out from his overnight bag and small jewellery box and opens it, revealing a charmed necklace with a blue snowflake and an ice skate on it.

"I can't believe you got me this, it's so amazing, you didn't need to!!!"

"But it's Christmas!" He exclaims as he slowly puts the necklace round your neck.

"It's gorgeous! But I don't have anything for you!" I reply with a pout.

"Being with you is enough, oh and beating you in the snowball fight was a pretty close second." Jacob laughs.

You give him a light shove as he pulls you in by the waist, kissing you once again. You didn't want the kiss to end but he pulls away as you frown. " We're not done yet," he says winking as he pulls out from his back pocket two tickets to the local theatre's screening of the singalong version of Frozen as you hug him, jumping up and down with glee.

Hey guys, sorry this imagine turned out to be so long but anyway. I'm not sure if Jacob Trouba has mentioned Frozen, I vaguely remember it but I know him and Mark have sung High School Musical together in a Jets video.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it, vote if you did and comment with any feedback :)

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