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THE ILLEA CAPITAL REPORT comes all too quickly for my taste. It's been two weeks since my mother and I argued about the form, and since then, she's done her best to stay out of my way. I've tried not to let her silence hurt me - after all, she's done much worse - but it still does, the way the disapproval of a teacher can. 

A teacher. That's what I'll be if I'm picked. 

I've tried not to let my thoughts focus on the Selection too much since I submitted the form - my hopes are already way more up than healthy - but I let the taste of the word Ms. Grace sit in my mouth for a little. It's easy to get swept up in those fantasies. 

It's funny how other girls my age are dreaming about becoming Ms. Schreave while I dream about keeping my own name. 

"Anna, it's time for the Report!" Claire yells from the living room. Putting away another failed painting, I take the stairs down two at a time, anxious and excited all at once. Either way, my life will change tonight. If I don't get called I'll have to accept that I'll always be a Five, and if I do get called I'll be able to pursue my real dream job. 

I sit down next to Claire on the couch as the national anthem plays, and then Jonny Jackson, the sole interviewer of the royal family, walks onscreen. His blinding smile and gelled hair fill the screen of our small TV as he graciously waits for his entrance applause to stop. When it finally does, he looks straight into the camera, then says, "Hello, Illea, and welcome to a very special episode of the Report! As you all know, tonight thirty-five beautiful ladies from all around our great nation will be given the opportunity of a lifetime - to compete for our wonderful Prince Carson's heart!" 

More cheering. I imagine the big applause sign off-camera blinking steadily. It's not usual that the Illea Capital Report has an in-studio audience, but then again, this isn't a usual episode. 

The camera pans over to the royal family, sitting straight as ramrods. The king smiles easily and waves as the queen manages a small grimace. The prince, however, looks bored. 

"Isn't he handsome, Anna?" Claire asks from next to me. I hear Mom's annoyed huff and am tempted to say yes just to spite her. Sure, I guess he could be seen as attractive with his general tallness and brown hair and eyes, and on the rare occasion that he smiles his face seems so much more relaxed, but...

Why am I even thinking about this? I'm not in it for the prince. I'm in it for my freedom. And from the way the queen  (a Daughter of Illea herself) acts, the palace is the polar opposite of freedom. 

"He's not that attractive," I say to draw attention away from my suddenly very red cheeks. Claire sees right through this, but, in an unexpected act of restraint, she doesn't push the subject. Instead, she turns back to the screen. The advisors have gone through their announcements, and Jonny Jackson is on the stage again, interviewing Prince Carson. 

"How do you feel about the Selection?" the commentator asks. 

The prince takes his sweet time in responding. When he does, though, the words come out measured and calculated. "I think it'll be a good time to meet more citizens of our great nation. And a wife would be helpful as I navigate the transition from prince to king." 

"Wise words," Jonny says, though I can tell he's disappointed. And for a moment, I am too. Doesn't Prince Carson believe in true love? Before I the stab of pity for the crown prince I'm suddenly feeling is fully developed, however, the commentator turns back to the camera and smiles again. "And now, it's time to announce the thirty-five lucky ladies who'll be visiting Angeles this summer!"

The screen goes blank except for a little box with Prince Carson's face in it in the upper right-hand corner. Then, names, faces, castes, and provinces flash across the screen in quick succession. I'm not paying attention anymore - Claire has spilled the popcorn on my lap, and I'm busy brushing it off when I hear it - like the ocean, this thunder of destiny, as the wave breaks and - 

"Anna Grace from Clermont, Five." 

thanks for reading! chapters are pretty short so updates will be frequent. as usual, comment and vote if you liked! 

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