Four Roads

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Author's Note:

Here we are with another oneshot from a bet. Another pearlshipping one, once again for Jagulov (or on FanFiction – DownAnder). This one is set during the episode "Four Roads Diverged in a Pokemon Port" but it's a little bit different...I suppose you'll see why. So with that, let's get to it.

Four Roads:

It was a sight he would never get used to. For Ash Ketchum, the aspiring Pokemon Master from Pallet Town, it was one of the most beautiful things he could ever look upon. So much went into earning the right to see it, and so much more would come after. A long journey, travelling with some of his best friends in the entire world, and here he was, the owner of eight beautiful gym badges.

"Wow...finally got 'em all," he breathed out, holding open his badge case as the automated pathway carried him and his friends, Dawn and Brock, on their way to the port, where they would be boarding the ferry to Lily of the Valley Island. He couldn't wait, knowing that when he got there, he would finally be able to compete in the Sinnoh League!

He looked back at his friends, noticing them smiling back as they too looked at his badges, each of them looking almost as excited as him about what lay ahead. Ash smiled back, knowing he never could have come this far without them. The older, dark-skinned man was Brock, his oldest friend and a companion since early on in his career as a Pokemon Trainer. He had always helped Ash, never letting the energetic boy get too high or too low. The former Pewter City Gym Leader knew almost everything there was to know about Pokemon breeding, and Ash was sure he would've been lost without the man.

And then there was Dawn, a blue-haired girl in a white beanie, black tank top, pink skirt and pink boots. She'd helped Ash out right away when he'd arrived in Sinnoh, saving his partner, Pikachu, from Team Rocket, and helping the electric mouse get back to him. She had only just been starting out as a trainer back then, but now, she was one of the best Pokemon coordinators in the entire Sinnoh region, and had been one of Ash's most supportive friends he'd ever had. Her Piplup, sitting comfortably in her arms, had been quite supportive as well, and had been a great friend to Pikachu.

Having the two of them by his side, along with Pikachu and all of Ash's other Pokemon, he was sure he would win the Sinnoh League. He would beat Conway, Nando, Barry, Paul and anyone else he went up against. He couldn't lose when he had that kind of support.

He turned back, pocketing his badge case as he looked ahead, silently willing the automated pathway to move faster. He couldn't wait to get there and get on that ferry. Once he finally reached Lily of the Valley Island, he would be one step closer to achieving his dream. Nothing would stand in his way, and his friends were always there behind him.

The only thing that could get in his way, would be time.

When they finally reached the port, the trio headed inside, Ash leading the way as they stepped up to the counter to get their tickets, looking up at the screen to see the departure time. Unfortunately, what he saw didn't make him very happy, he and Pikachu jumping back as they noticed. "Ah! Man, we just missed the ferry!"

"Piiikaaa!" Pikachu whined out from his shoulder, just as disappointed.

"Heyyy, I think maybe that's it out there," Dawn's voice broke in, getting Ash's attention as he followed her gaze, spotting a boat drifting away from the dock.

"Hmm, the next one's tomorrow morning, I'm afraid," Brock added, dampening Ash's spirits that much more.

"I guess we'll have to hang here," he said sadly, feeling a pit in his stomach as he watched the ferry getting smaller and smaller as it drifted further away.

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