Chapter 6

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Alexander's POV

I got violent. I let my wolf's anger get the best of me and I took it out on her. Goddess, I'm such a bad mate.

I didn't go back home until way into the night. I tried busying myself with things I needed to get done so she didn't have to see me. By the time I was finished, I missed dinner and most likely telling Mel goodnight. Because when I checked my clock in my office in the pack house, it was three thirty in the morning. She rarely stayed up past nine.

I walked out of my office and out of the pack house to get back home. But I noticed the living room light was on.

I opened the door and looked in and saw a crying Mel sitting on the couch. "Melanie?" I asked, slowly walking into the house and closing the door behind me.

She snapped her head up to look at me. "Are you alr-"

I was cut off by her letting out a sob and she ran up to me. "You had me so worried! I didn't know where you went!" She cried into my chest.

I held her as she cried. "I couldn't mind link you. You blocked me off. You blocked everyone off. I was so scared, Alex! Don't do that!" She cried more.

In packs, everyone's able to call to each other through mind links. But I had cut off everyone in the pack so I could get work done.

She pulled away and slapped my chest. "Don't dare scare me like that again!" She yelled at me. I sighed. "I just.. didn't think you wanted to see me after what happened. So I got myself caught up in busy work. I'm sorry." I whispered.

Melanie sniffled and tried to rub the tears from her eyes and cheeks but they kept coming. "Oh, Mel." I whispered and tried to gently grab her face to wipe her tears away but she pulled back. "Just.. I made you dinner, thinking you'd be back before now. If you want to eat. I'm going to bed." She said in a harsh tone and walked into my... our bedroom.

I walked into the kitchen and saw a note on the microwave. I walked up to the microwave and pulled the sticky note off.

'Just press start. It should start and heat up for two minutes. It's soup.'

I pressed start, and just like the sticky note said, it started to heat up for two minutes.

It gave me time to think. Nights like these, which was every night, I let my thoughts get to me. I would stay up well into the night just thinking. Thinking about all the times I was hurt. All the times I hurt others.

The beeping of the microwave startled me. I opened it and took the hot bowl out of the it and grabbed a spoon to down half of the bowl before deciding I didn't want anymore and just set the rest into the fridge.

I looked up at the clock in the kitchen and it was 5:30 am. Deciding it wasn't worth going to bed, I walked into the living room and started to watch tv.

Melanie's POV

I couldn't sleep. Not without him here.

But before meeting him, I was able to sleep by myself. I have been since I was three. But after meeting him, nights dragged by when he didn't come home or stayed up late. It messed my sleep schedule up but I needed him. I was kind of afraid of the dark so I had a small nightlight at home. But I don't here.

I laid in bed for two hours. I checked the nightstand and the clock read 6:15 am. It wasn't worth trying to sleep. Not after a night of waking up during sleep and getting upset that he wasn't home.

I slipped out of the bed and out of the bedroom. Alex was in the living room, dead asleep on the couch with the tv on.

I slipped in next to him and cuddled against his side as he snored away. I reached over for the remote and clicked the tv off.

"What time is it?" Alex asked sleepily. "Like 6:20. Now shh. I'm trying to sleep." I said and curled up into a ball next to him and instantly fell asleep

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