Chapter 18

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Seven months later

"Elijah? Elijah? Alex, have you seen our son come through here?" I ask, walking into Alex's office in search of our four month old child. "You lost our son? How could you do that?" Alex asked in an aggravated tone.

During my operation almost a year ago, Alex and I had found out I was about a month pregnant with a child. It only took about four months for him to be ready to come out which meant I gave  birth to him three months after surgery. Alex and I decided to name him Elijah Alexander.

"Well when you have a werewolf child who is big enough to wander off by himself because we grow insanely fast in the first year of our lives and you're not paying attention because you're trying to make him breakfast. It's kind of hard not to loose him." I sigh but as I turn back around, there stood Elijah.

He was about the size of a two year old and had a vocabulary and a reading level of an eight year old. "There you are. You scared mommy." I said, picking up my son. "I'm sorry, mommy. I wanted to play hide and seek." He giggled before wrapping his little arms around my neck. "You gotta tell mommy that, though." I scold. "I didn't know what happened to you."

"Oh, leave him be, Mel. He's just a kid." Alex told me, walking up to us and pinching Elijah's cheek. Elijah giggled. "Still. I didn't know what happened to my baby. You were scared too." I told him. Alex rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I wasn't as scared as you were." He said, trying to play it off. "Right. Your heart rate is lying apparently, right?" I asked, looking up at Alex. He shrugged. "I don't know what you're talking about." He said before taking Elijah out of my arms. "I can hear your heartbeat. It's beating awful fast for someone who is supposedly calm." I tease.

Alex stuck his tongue out at me and made a face. "I don't get scared." He commented. "Yeah. I don't get scared." Elijah giggled. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, right. That's as true as me saying my knee wasn't broken." I said, scoffing. "Oh, by the way. How is your knee? Feeling better?" Alex asked as he wrapped an arm around me.

I nod. "Yeah. I got my last physical therapy session tomorrow. It's stopped hurting but it is still a little stiff. But the doctor and Tristan both say it's gonna be like that for maybe another few months before it's finally gonna stop be stiff. But the healing process went well. Healed way faster than I thought it would."

I took Elijah back into my arms. "Okay, pumpkin. Time for your breakfast." I say, carrying him out of Alex's office. "Can daddy eat breakfast with me?" He asked. I shook my head no. "Daddy already ate breakfast this morning before you got up. He's got a busy day today." I said, setting him in his high chair. Elijah pouted. "But what if I want to hang with daddy today?" He asked. I shrugged, setting fruit and pancakes in front of him. "Maybe after his stuff you can." I say and sit down.

Hey, Mel? Can you come in here for a second? Alex mind linked me.

I sigh and roll my eyes.

Okay give me a second.

"Okay, pumpkin. Continue eating. Daddy needs me for a second." I tell Elijah who was eating a piece of banana. "But I didn't hear daddy call you." He said then stuffing a strawberry in his mouth. "Daddy used mind link. Remember we have that power?" I ask. Elijah nodded. "When will I get that power?" He asked. "When you hit puberty. So probably around 14 or 15 years old."

I ruffle his hair before leaving the dining room and going to Alex's office. "What's up?" I asked as I entered. "I just got a call about a girl who needs a new home. She's from a neighboring pack and no one seems to want her. The pack alpha is bringing her over. Are you up for the challenge?" He asked.

I nod. "Sure. When is she coming?" I ask, but before he answered, there was a knock on the front door. "Seems like right now." He smiled and I smiled back. We both walked out of his office and walked into the living room to open the door.

When Alex opened the door, there stood a little girl with a man. The little girl had dirty blond hair, pale skin, freckles, and blue eyes and was no older than nine. "Hey there. You must be Victoria." Alex said, kneeling down to meet the girl's eyes. The girl hid behind the man's legs. "Oh, I'm sorry, Alex. She's incredibly shy." The man said when Alex straightened. Alex shook his head. "Don't worry George. I can see why she could be afraid of me."

Alex was right. He was a very large man. Not saying he was fat. But he was over 7 feet tall and 300 pounds of pure muscle. So anyone could have been afraid of him.

George handed Alex, Victoria's suitcase and moved out of the way. "This is your new home now, Victoria. These nice people will take care of you." George told her but she refused to let go of George's hand. "Hey, Victoria. How are you?" I asked, leaning down to look her in the eye like Alex did. She peaked out from behind George and moaned slightly. "I'm.. I'm okay." She whispered, her weak voice barely audible.

I reached out to her and she grabbed my hand and walked over to me. "Yeah, it's okay. We'll take care of you. I promise. I know it's scary coming to a new home." I tell her. She nods. "Okay.."

I pick her up and carry her to the kitchen where Elijah was and George's and Alex's conversation started to fade. "Mommy! Who's she?" Elijah asked, pointing to Victoria. "This is Victoria. She is going to live with us for awhile." I tel him as I set her on the counter. "You hungry?" I ask Victoria. She nods.

I rummage through the fridge until I find an applesauce cup in door of the fridge and I took it out. I went and grabbed a spoon from the drawer and opened the applesauce before handing it to Victoria. "There you go sweetie."

She took it from me and started to eat it as Alex walked in. "So. We have two kids now, huh?" He asked. I nodded. "Seems like it." I sigh and wrap my arms around Alex's waist. "I love you." I whisper to Alex. He looked down at me and smiled. "I love you too, Mel." He said before leaning down and kissing me.

Best day ever.

The end

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