Chapter 14

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Alexander's POV

2 weeks. 2 weeks passed and I still couldn't find Melanie. I was a mess and my office showed it. Papers thrown everywhere, almost anything I could pick up and chuck, which was mostly everything, lay in ruins all over the floor. I hadn't dared go back home. It reminded me too much of her.

I hadn't dared do much other than tracking and trying to find her. I spent every waking moment on trying to find my mate. I hadn't talked, ate, shaved. My mental state wasn't doing so well either. I was having delusions and hallucinations, thinking Melanie was standing next to me the whole time and she was fine. But when I stepped in the direction of my hallucination of her, she'd disappear.

"We'll find her. I promise." Isabelle would tell me. But once a day ended, her words of encouragement and hope, fell into meaningless lies. Her words were empty to me.

"I'm so close, Mel. I'm so close." I whispered, blankly staring at a map we drew of the surrounding area that we searched but with no luck. "Just please be alive when I find you."

In these last two weeks, I couldn't mind link her. And that didn't sit with me well. Not able to talk to her, not being able to have the knowledge of her being dead or alive. It was eating away at me, bit by bit until I turn into a decayed corpse.

"Hey, Alph. I brought you food. Please eat it, this time." Max's voice called from the door of my office. I shook my head, still staring at the map. "I have to find her, Max. I won't do anything until I do." I growled. He sighed and slid a bowl in my line of sight. "She'd want you to eat, Alex. You are 7 foot and you were 315 pounds. Now you're what? 250? 260? That's a dramatic weight drop in 2 weeks. That's 60 plus pounds, dude. Don't stress yourself out. I'm just as worried as you are but at least I'm eating."

I sighed, slowly reaching for the bowl and pulled off the lid. There was spaghetti in it and a piece of garlic bread. "I know how much you used to like spaghetti. I thought it would help keep you sane for awhile. I hate seeing you like this. Here's a fork." He said and slid a fork next to the bowl.

I sat down, grabbing the fork and poked the spaghetti. "I know you heard this hundreds of times, but I know we'll find her. And it wasn't your fault."

My eyes darted up to him, but I said nothing. "I know. I miss her too, Alex. I haven't talked to her much but I know how much she means to you. And we all miss her. She's part of our pack, our family. You know every night since her kidnapping, everyone's been outside awaiting their Luna's return."

And just like if on cue, multiple howls sounded outside. Pained, strained howls. As if someone died or calling to a loved one. It's happened every night at midnight, on the dot. It was like they were trying to call out to Melanie, hoping she'd follow their unanswered calls and find her way back home.

But it didn't work that way. But I hoped that one day it could. That she'll be okay and in my arms again where I won't allow her to be taken away from me again.

I basically threw the fork down on the desk and set my head in my hands. "How could I let this happen, Max? How could.. why have I let so much time pass? She should be home, safe. I don't care if I'm dead but she deserves to live and at least be here with the pack and her parents.. FUCK." I cried.

"Hey." He said and walked up to me, setting his hand on my shoulder. "I'm going to make you a promise and I won't give up until I fulfill this promise.. I am going to be here with you until we find Melanie. I will fight hand and foot until I see that pretty little luna of yours here back and safe with you or I will die trying. I promise you that."

I looked back up at him, tears streaming down my face. "I mean it." He told me and patted my shoulder.

Isabelle entered and paused. "Woah. Did a tornado hit?" She asked, taking in her surroundings. "Yeah. A 7 foot 2 inch one." Max responded, removing his hand from my shoulder. "Well than.. anyways. Alex.. I think we've got a lead. One of the warriors said he found the Luna's scent. But when they followed it, it seemed to end at what seemed like an abandoned building but there were multiple rogues for him to fight alone."

"But you found her?" I said, standing up so fast that I nearly pushed over my chair. She nodded. "I think we did."

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