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<Y/n POV>
As soon as Millie woke up (she was the last to) we all decided to He to the park and do whatever. "Guys change In the basement" Millie said pointing to the basement door and the guys shuffled out bit Gaten caught my eye and winked at me

(((((Done changing time (?)))))
I had my cream beanie a teal lopsided top and jeans on Cute I sat down and waited till everyone else was done. The guys came back up the stairs we sat in a circle "Truth or Dare!!" Millie said pointing at Finn
"Stick you head out the window and scream.." Millie paused thinking "scream MIKE!!" He got up to the window and screamed loudly
"MIKKEEE!!!!" In his best 011 voice
We all laughed He looked at me and said "truth or dare"
"uhh Truth." He grinned
"Who do you like out of us"
SHIT! "Uhhh"
"Not Millie or Sadie" he stared at me as if he knew of me and Gaten I felt my face become hot
"Uhh.." I looked at the ground and started mentally freaking out
I felt a hand on my back and I looked up it was Gaten I smiled
"Y/n you should tell them" he then mouthed 'about your anxiety and depression'
I sighed and took a deep breath
"I-I have extreme anxiety and depression" I spat out only to see them all shocked except Gaten just nodded.
"WHAT!!?" Millie shouted
"and— aldoxaphobia, fear of others opinions." I said "that's why I never said anything" this turned serious
"Hey, it's ok Y/n let's all say something we haven't said before."
"anxiety." Finn said first (he does)

<time skip>
We all packed into the car me and Gaten in the back Millie in the front Finn Noah and Caleb in the middle. I grabbed Gatens hand and squeezed it we all started playing dare or dare for the fun of embarrassing each other. Noah had to scream "MIKE I FOUND THE CHOCOLATE PUDDING!!" Out the cat window, he was dared by Gaten (obviously) noah dared me to run up to strangers and high them and ask for there picture. I did that to about 5-6 people they all thought I was crazy.

Park time FUN!

Gaten Matarazzo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now